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- Mischa Altmann (aka moaltmann)
- I am a building my vision of enabling living a life without unwarranted exploitation of man, life or nature. Currently I work on rebuilding values through rediscovering the essence of religion, building resilience into vulnerable communities, and re-kindling the art of listening to build common visions.
Interests[edit | edit source]
- systems thinking: cause, effect & delay, escalation & balance, big picture, whole systems approach
- framework for strategic sustainable development (FSSD): a scientifically rigorous definition of sustainability + a host of tools to enable us to get there.
- sanitation: composting toilets, biogas
- construction: local materials, native designs, "bio solar haus" by a German retired engineer.
- Art of Hosting (AoH): hosting and harvesting participatory conversations that matter and result in actions
- religion and sustainability
Experience[edit | edit source]
- strategic sustainability and participative process design at Foundation of His Sacred Majesty (meaning King Ashoka)
- Interfaith dialogues on climate change at Pipal Tree / Fireflies, Bangalore, India
- Zero Carbon small buildings in association with ZEDfactory, London, UK
- Electrical Engineering at Arup, London, UK