Felton, CA
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Groups Engr370 past students
Registered 2011
Impact 68
Contributions Humboldt County organizations working on energy issues

Name: Michelle

Grad Student in Natural Resources Forestry

Things that I do, not necessarily who I am[edit | edit source]

  • I have an undergraduate degree from HSU in Forestry Resource Conservation with a minor in Environmental Ethics
  • I received a fairly prominent award for Professional Promise in 2008 from the Forestry faculty
  • I once was an art student in San Francisco
  • I ref for Sonoma County Roller Derby and Deep Valley Belligerents
  • I have visited America by way of Indiana and Purdue University...the Great Plains are flat.
  • I have worked for an organic CSA...farming is tough work!
  • I am a really great listener and like to do so
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