Bakunin- Anarchist Social Philosopher
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Name K. Scott Perry
Registered 2009
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Name: K. Scott Perry I'm a late bloomer. I'm either the most conservative radical or the most progressive conservative, depending on who you ask. I've had more than a few absolute strangers stop me in the street and tell me I'm their favorite poet, but only in San Diego; and I don't really write. I have a two year old nephew whom I worry about; but I don't do families much or holidays at all. I had to leave school for lack of funds. One and a half years later I saved some money and am back; though broke- anybody need to hire a good painter/ worker-bee? Computers bug me. I missed the trees; but like the desert too if only it wasn't so hot and increasingly covered in asphalt. Southern CA is supposed to smell good, it does not. People miss me; wish I had time to return the sentiment.

Interests in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

Tech., as perhaps the driving force behind modernity, is a powerful force in society. From where I am positioned it seems as if society itself has entered a period of transformation. The systems we have in place seem maladaptive as far as long run sustainability goes. So because our technology under girds most of our built (technical) and lived (social) systems, and we are entering a period of shifting systems (personal thesis), then technology will be a part of that shift; if for the best then in the direction of appropriate tech. In that I am a bit of a futurist, as well as a humanist (I wouldn't cheer lead our own species failure for the benefit of 'nature'), I therefore have an interest in appropriate tech as a potential piece of a necessary ongoing, and upcoming paradigm shift.

Experience in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

Aside from having taken every other class for the minor, I have little professional or formal experience with appropriate tech. I could mention having been fascinated with wind-power plants as a kid, or having an interest in back-to-nature ethics and traditional (aborigional) adaptations and technologies. But these are mere 'interests' and 'fascinations' which though they have opened the door to gaining experience, themselves hardly constitute it.

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