Khalid Yousuf Khan: Graduate student of Department of ECE at Michigan Technological University
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Name Khalid Yousuf Khan
Affiliations Michigan Technological University
Location Michigan, USA
Interests photovoltaics
Groups EE5490 users 2015
Courses MY5490, EE5490
Registered 2015

I am a second year Ph.D. student of Electrical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. I am a Graduate Research Assistant under supervision of Dr. Lucia Gauchia and have been working in the Energy Storage Laboratory since spring 2014.

Currently my research focus is to develop an efficient charge controller for an self sustaining 3D printer powered by photovoltaic panels. My previous research work includes,

  1. Designing and testing an accurate single cell li-ion battery to be used in an electric vehicle for driving on different road conditions.
  2. The application of Energy storage system in frequency regulating reserve constrained unit commitment.
  3. Vehicle to Grind and it's effects on the distribution network.

Research Interests[edit | edit source]

Energy Storage System
Efficient Energy Conversion
Control System applied on Energy Conversion System
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Microgrid Systems

Publications[edit | edit source]

Journals and Conference Proceedings[edit | edit source]

Book Publication[edit | edit source]

Projects[edit | edit source]

  1. Charge Controller for Solar Powered RepRap

A RepRap is a self-replicating 3D printer. These printers are designed to be light and portable. Developers of this printing initiative have the desire to widespread these printers to underprivileged area as a means of decentralization of the industrial production infrastructure. It can only be possible if the printers can harvest some alternative energy (i.e solar). To operate these using PV cells, a solar powered application with a battery backup specifically designed to match the needs of the RepRap is required. The voltage and current requirement for the printer demands the use of buck along with a bi-directional DC converters to ensure the proper operation. This project aims to design a novel charge controller for the RepRap which will efficiently maintain the distribution of energy through robust and agile PI controllers. The system was designed an ODE system and tested for different operational condition in Simulink.

Education Profile[edit | edit source]

  1. Michigan Technological University, from 08/13 to Present

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, CGPA:3.94/4.00

  1. American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) from 01/07 to 12/10

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, CGPA:3.94/4.00

Professional Profile[edit | edit source]

  1. Michigan Technological University

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, from 01/14 to 04/14
Control Systems Lab
This lab focuses on design using frequency response, root locus, state‐variable methods; analog and digital simulation and computation; and experiments with physical systems.

  1. North South University, from 01/12 to 08/13

Lab Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Electrical Machines Lab
Through several experiments introduced the working principle and different properties of multiple DC and AC machines. Helped students with projects which involves electrical machine.

Control Engineering Lab
This lab covered experiments using PLC where state equation design procedure was implemented to control several application modules.

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