Name: Augie Gonzalez
Personal Info: I am a senior in environmental science, energy and climate. When I started at HSU in 2005, it was called appropriate technology and had more requirements. My hobbies include prospecting, mainly with a metal detector but also with the old timers stuff life gold pan and sluice box, and I am an avid fisherman. If I'm not doing that, I'm reading and hopefully staying away from the idiot box. I live in Eureka against the redwoods and have 50 miles behind me to explore.
Interests in Technology and the Environment[edit | edit source]
- My main interest is in creating renewable energy. I'm leaning towards the polarity of magnets to accomplish all that gasoline and nuclear reactors provide.
- I would like to work on a project to help clean some area of the world of pollutants.
- I would like to stop being such a mass polluter. I can't seem to get away from items that I know are bad, like my truck.
Experience in Technology and/or the Environment[edit | edit source]
- I have taken a few environmental courses including Lonny's 205 engr. that gets you involved in a certain project of your choice. Our group did a solar still to desalinize water.
- I read about different environmental projects.
- Need to do more.