Me at the beach
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Name Garrett Wendel
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2019

I am a junior and this is my second semester here at HSU. I like to skateboard and I also enjoy coffee.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • One of my main focuses will be in water quality and waterway restoration.
  • Wastewater treatment in rural o r poverty stricken land that is low cost such as designing Slow sand filtration methods.
  • Appropriate Technology and permaculture implementation such as Huegelkultur in colder climates.

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Designed and built a bridge in statics.
  • Built a functioning Rube Goldberg machine.
  • Used instruments for recording data such as a turbidity meter, D.O. reader, a water velocity reader.

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

Examples of work I've completed during my time in the HSU engineering program:

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