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Registered 2021

Our Mission: Defeat COVID-19

"Time is a herb that cures all disease"

-Franklin Quotes

One year have passed since the outbreak of Corona virus also known as COVI-19. People around the world is in chaos. The transmission of disease is rapidly increasing. The government take action by implementing strict community quarantine and preventing the people from leaving their houses, celebrating with crowds and having a close contact with friends or family. It feels like we are in a secluded area and staring in the wall is only way to kill time. Different pharmaceuticals are trying to make a vaccine but up until now, there are still no cure. Because of this pandemic, people have been widely affected. They lost their livelihood, business and even their loved ones. The way of learning of students is also affected because the mode of learning is very much challenging for the students and parents. All of us wanted to end this misery real quick but we need to cooperate with the local government as well as in our national government. We can only do that if we follow the precautionary measures set by World Health Organizations (WHO) such as wearing masks, spraying alcohol or hand sanitizer, and keeping the one (1) meter distance. As what Dr. Singh said "Our mission is clear. Our challenge is great. Together, forward in the fight against COVID-19".

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