Francisco Alvarez
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Name Francisco Alvarez
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2018
Impact 147
Contributions Zane Middle School headphone racks

I am an ERE student originally from Los Angeles, CA, attending Cal Poly Humboldt working on my Bachelor of Science in Environmental Resource Engineering.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

Overarching Interests
  • Problem solving
  • Working toward common goals
  • Working to benefit society
Specific Interests
  • Renewable Energy
  • PV/Solar
  • Wind power
  • Water quality
  • Appropriate technology

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • ENGR 115 - Intro to Environmental Engineering
    • Engineering memos
    • Mass balances
  • ENGR 210 - Engineering Mechanics: Statics
    • Truss analysis
  • ENGR 215 - Intro to Design
    • Professional design document
  • ENGR 211 - Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
  • ENGR 225 - Computational Methods I
    • Fortran programming
    • Matlab/SciLab
    • Linear Algebra
  • PHYX 315 - Intro to Electronics
    • Circuit analysis
    • Arduino programing
  • ENGR 313 - Systems Analysis
    • Math modeling
    • Linear and nonlinear optimization
    • Engineering systems analysis
    • Engineering economics
  • ENGR 325 - Computational Methods II
    • Fortran programming
    • Numerical methods
  • ENGR 331 - Thermo & Energy Systems
    • 1st and 2nd laws of Thermodynamics
    • Thermodynamic properties of materials
    • Thermodynamic processes (e.g. Carnot cycle)
    • System and control volume analysis
    • Application to energy systems
  • ENGR 351 - Introduction to Water Quality
    • Analytical water quality assessment
    • Physical, chemical and biological factors of water quality
    • Drinking water & wastewater treatment processes
    • Epidemiology statistics
Spring 2019 Expected Engineering Experience[edit | edit source]
  • ENGR 322 - Environmental Data Modeling and Analysis
  • ENGR 326 - Computational Methods III
  • ENGR 330 - Mechanics and Science of Materials
  • ENGR 333 - Fluid Mechanics

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

Engineering 115
Engineering 215
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