Presenting the Mobile Clinic in Ghana.
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Name Erik Wachlin
Interests 3D printing, OSH
Groups 777-2014 People
Registered 2014
Impact 2,806
Contributions MOST Delta Auto Bed Leveling
Bike Hub Pelton Turbine

As a student in both Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at Michigan Technological University, Erik Wachlin, has worked on projects that span both fields.

He led a team in the 2012-2013 school year to design, build, and deliver a medical mobile health clinic that currently serves people in Ghana, Africa. More information on this project can be found below.

He also worked at a company specializing in injection molding and with this and being involved in FIRST robotics through high school has accumulated much knowledge in design and building for manufacturing.

Currently, he is involved with a team designing a low cost medical ventilator for third world countries.

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