One of my Sculptures
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Registered 2024
Impact 314
Contributions Locally Delicious Kids Worm Bin

Name: Dylan Child
About Me: Im a student at Cal Poly Humboldt trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. After a little trail and error i found myself in Humboldts ERE program. So far I am enjoying myself.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Rock Climbing
  • Sculpting
  • Art

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Intern At Engineering/Accident Reconstruction Firm in
  • Took ERE 115 At HSU
  • Experience in Graphic Design

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

  • Me an my team, Onychophora, collabrativly created this design document for Locally Delicious Kids Worm Bin.
  • This is the Gantt Chart (made by Me for Onychophora)
  • This is a sample of AutoCad for 210 Bridge Project
  • This example memo is form my field trip to Potowot
  • Here is a Spreadsheet about the inflow and outflow of Fern Lake done in Engr 115
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