This page provides a step-by-step guide to help you create and implement surgical training modules for Appropedia's platform. Before diving into the development process, we recommend reading the 'About the Modules' section to gain an understanding of the purpose and objectives of the modules.

The Phases[edit | edit source]

The module development process is broken down into three phases: Design, Prototype, and Test. Each phase consists of various steps providing a structured pathway to achieve a successful surgical training module.

1 - Design: Laying the Foundation[edit | edit source]

The Design phase is central to the development process, establishing a strong foundation for the module. This phase involves understanding the learner demographic, defining clear objectives, structuring the team, and planning the course content.

2 - Prototype: Building the Training Module[edit | edit source]

In the Prototype phase, the theoretical planning of the Design phase is put into action on the Appropedia platform. This phase encompasses platform setup, team registration, and the integration of content into a working module. It's within this phase that the course materializes, providing the first look at the functional module.

3 - Test: Ensuring Module Effectiveness[edit | edit source]

The Test phase is the final step in the development process. It entails evaluating the module's effectiveness in meeting the learners' needs and achieving the established objectives. This phase includes participant recruitment, testing sessions, data analysis, and module refinement based on feedback. The ultimate goal is to ensure the module is effective, user-friendly, and achieves the desired learning outcomes.

Ask for support[edit | edit source]

We want your experience creating your surgical modules to be as rewarding and straightforward as possible. That includes any question or issue that may arise during content creation. Whenever you need assistance, we're here to help:

Submit a ticket[edit | edit source]

If you encounter any technical difficulty while navigating Appropedia, submitting a ticket through the GSTC dedicated Talk Page is a great way to let us know what's happening so we can sort any issue as soon as possible.

Make sure to state your problem clearly on the subject line and describe what's happening in a detailed and organized manner. It's always helpful to add the solutions you've tried so far, any messages/warnings that may have appeared on your screen and other relevant information.

Join the discussion[edit | edit source]

There's a fair chance your peers have the same questions as you, and a bigger chance we can figure it out as a community. Feel free to discuss your suggestions, inquiries and anything related to our toolbox on its dedicated Talk page. The Appropedia team constantly checks the Talk page to make sure everything is up and running.

Send us an email[edit | edit source]

We understand some of your inquiries may be urgent or require further communication. In case you need to contact us directly, you can always reach us at We're always happy to hear from you and will reply as soon as possible.

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