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Name Connor Nowark
Registered 2020

Picture of Myself

My name's Connor Nowark
I am currently going to HSU working on becoming an engineer through the Environmental Resource Engineering program. I am from Santa Cruz California and enjoy the simpler things in life including surfing or hiking.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • I enjoy working out math problems and puzzles to understand things happening around me.
  • Building and designing useful objects and machines hands on.
  • Feeling as though I am working to make the world a more efficient, better place through my work.

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • This year I made a Rube Goldberg project with a group of classmates that took trial and error and engineering type thinking.Rube Goldberg project video
  • When I was 17 I designed and built a quarter-pipe skate ramp for my backyard.
  • In engineering 115 at HSU I used equipment to measure BOD, turbidity, and ph levels on campus.

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

  • Here are some examples of the work I've completed at HSU.
  • Example of a professional Memo I have done
  • Example of the use of a spreadsheet
  • Example of ACAD
  • Example of collaborative document
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