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Registered 2019

My Personal Review on this Semester[edit | edit source]

As the semseter is finally over my overall experience was rough, projects was hard to pull off but when i succeed in it i get to learn many things about it.

My personal thoughts on this semester was a mix of positives and negatives, because some projects are hard to achieve but wgen you achieve it you'll be relieved and gain knowledge at the same time.

My most interesting discoveries while making the projects was on how they connect and help people to do the right things, and on how it changes the mindset of some thru advocacies we've made.

There was a moment that was very challenging to us because some of the project's deadlines was so short and we have so much to do in that certain project that it cannot be accomplish at a short amout of time given to us.

I've learned that thru hardwork, you can do the impossible and achieve anything if you just believe in youself.

But the most important thing i've learned was if you need to do something, then just do it rather that waiting for someone to do it for you.

The ultimate problem i've faced was when their is little time left for a projecr to be submitted,my final best solution was to finish it even if it will take my time in sleeping.

I feel my solutions is kinda related to the real world problems because today even if their is little time left to finish something, the only thing that we can do as humans is to try and finish it.

When im in a team i sometimes do well and sometimes dont because i had a lot of different teams in this semester, some of my team really did well on communicating while other teams i've been still needs improvement in terms of communication with one another.

And lastly, even if i do well sometimes on this projects, my collaborative communication fall one time when i was given a task to be finish but instead i procastinate and let my team down, i was guilty and learned a lesson out of it which is never procastinate again.

(But maybe i'll do it again but with good reasons this time.)

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