As we all know ICT contributes a big help in our life; it could be in business, in education or even in our daily lives. We all know the word 'ICT' as well as the word 'ECONOMY'. Ict is all about information and communication technology where it talks or deals with technical invention. As for economy, it states in the Merriam Webster that economy is a careful management of material resources. You may ask, `what is the relation of ict and the economy? ʼ, well it is very simple since ict also contribute a lot in our economy.

Did you know that because of ict the economy rate in the world have increase. It it because ict makes a lot of changes in the economy due to the use of technology. So when technology evolves our economic performance will also be affected in a positive or negative way that depends on the people on how they'll handle it. Because of the ict the information, communication, productive process, and economic activities improves efficiently.


*Christine Barrientos

*Cathlyn Beniga

*Joela Patron

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