Fig 1: Me standing along side the Thunder Bay River in Alpena, Mi.
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Name Anthony Konieczny
Affiliations Michigan Technological University
Registered 2012
Impact 268
Contributions Viability of recycling semiconductors in Dell LCD PC monitors

Undergraduate Degree[edit | edit source]

I am currently enrolled in an Introductory to Semiconductors class (MY3701) which is the main reason for the creation of my Appropedia page. My team and I will be gathering data and information on semiconductors used in LCD PC monitors. This information can be found at our project Appropedia page. LCD PC Monitors

Hello, I am a junior at Michigan Technological University. (MTU) I am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Materials Science and Engineering. I was born and raised in Alpena, Michigan.

Hobbies[edit | edit source]

  • Fishing
  • Hunting
  • Automobile Repair
  • Cooking

Experience[edit | edit source]

Work[edit | edit source]

Subway Restaurant[edit | edit source]

  • Sandwich Artist-prepared necessary ingredients for sandwich development and created sandwiches in such a manner as to please the public.
  • Cashier-handled money exchanges between the business and customers.
  • Worked as a team member to efficiently decrease sandwich prep and sandwich creation time while maintaining maximum customer satisfaction.

Alpena County Road Commission[edit | edit source]

  • Traffic Signaler-dealt with problematical traffic situations in an effort to redirect traffic around stationary as well as mobile construction sites.
  • Operator-became proficient with multiple types of machinery such as:


Morbark Wood Chipper


Fork Lifts


  • Worked within a team that was devoted to bettering the quality of Alpena County’s transportation infrastructure.
  • Gained hands on experience with snow removal machinery such as road graders and plow/spreader trucks.
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