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Name Annabel
Registered 2012

The incidence and prevalence of cardiothoracic disease continues to increase globally, this is especially apparent in emerging economies. Unfortunately these emerging economies are under resourced and unable to provide sufficient levels of care. In the US there are 1,222 open heart operations per million population in Africa there are 18, equating to 1 center per 120,000 people in the USA and 1 center per 33 million people in Africa

The Global Heart Network (GHN) is a platform that has been created to allow those that strive to reduce the mortality rate of heart disease in the developing world have a greater impact with existing resources

The GHN is designed to serve stakeholders working in the field by creating conditions for collaboration and innovation. The platform allows the sharing of data & information, best practice and new standards of care across the developing world.

The goal of the GHN is to effect change in reducing the global inequality in access to cardiac care through collaboration that will change the way cardiology services are delivered

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