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"There is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance"
User data
Name Alberto Jasso
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2011
Impact 131
Contributions La Yuca rainwater catchment 2014

Name: Alberto Jasso

I am a student at Cal Poly Humboldt majoring in Environmental Resource Engineering. My main focus is in energy but I am very eager to learn all aspects of the major including water management and water quality. I originally am from Fremont, California which is in the San Francisco area. My interests include music, sports, keeping updated on environmental topics, trying new foods and being outdoors. I am very excited for this class and my journey as a whole through this ERE program.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  1. Time and Project management
  2. Using ALL the minds of a team to create a complex system that sometimes seems impossible at first.
  3. Creative innovation with goals of sustainability to solve some the worlds most complex anthropogenic problems.

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Have completed a full tour and Q&A with leading engineer at Bloom Energy(fuel cells). Bloom Energy
  • Currently taking engineering of design. Have taken wind power courses as well.
  • Currently in calculus one, the start of my journey into the foundation of engineering skills needed.

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

For Engineering 215 (Intro to Design) our project for the Flock House was a replication and redesign of a railroad hand-pump trolley turned into an electrical generator. Our team went by the name of Team Excergy and the name of our component was the Pump'n Power.

Sample Documents[edit | edit source]

  • The Gantt Chart is a type of project planning and decision making.
  • Sample of an AutoCAD drawing (crank shaft component to the Pump'n Power).
  • This is a memo for the alternative solutions phase of the project.
  • This is a spreadsheet on excel which kept track and totaled hours spent to the project, Time Sheet.
  • This is our document for the entire project, Pump'n Power

My contact information is aj748@humboldt.edu

Practivistas Dominicana 2014[edit | edit source]

Nombre: Alberto Jasso
Teléfono en Santo Domingo: 1(809) 905-8117
Dirección en Santo Domingo: Almarosa Primera

Intereses en Tecnología Apropiada[edit | edit source]

  • INTERES#1: Distribucion de Agua
  • INTERES#2: Energia

Experencia en Tecnología Apropiada[edit | edit source]

  • EXPERENCIA#1: Completé un proyecto que utiliza bicicletas recicladas para crear un vagón de mano que genera electricidad cuando se utiliza.
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