{{humboldt state university located very close in proximity with wastewater treatment plant of Arcata! Spring Break allows times to work on the webpage project of primary treatment plant for me!

according to the book:"water and wastewater technology" by Mark J. Hammer and Mark J. Hammer,Jr., "the objective of municipal water treatment is to provide a potable supply-one that is chemically and microbiologically safe for human consumption. For demestic uses, treated water must be aesthetically acceptable-free from apparent turbidity, color, odor, and objectionable taste. Common water sources for municipal supplies are deep wells, shallow wells, rivers, natural lakes, and reservoirs. Pullution and eutrophication are major concerns in surface-water supplies. Water quality depends on agricultural proactices in the water-shed, location of municipal and industrial outfall severs, river development such as dams, season of the year, and climatic conditions. Periods of high rainfall flush silt and organic matter from cultivated fields and forest land, and drought flows may result in higher concentrations of wastewater pollutants from sewer discharges. River temperature may vary isgnificantly between summer and winter. The quality of water in a lake or reservoir depends considerably on the season of the year. Municipal water-quality control actually starts with management of the river basin to protect the source of water supply. Highly pulluted waters are both difficult and costly to treat. Although some communities are able to locate groundwater supplies, or alternate less polluted surface sources within feasible pumping distance, the majority of the nation's population draws from nearby surface supplies. The challenge in waterworks operation is to process these waters to a safe, potable product acceptable for domestic use."

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