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Talk:Walden Ecovillage/Ecoversity

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Mission[edit source]

Please use this Section for discussions that relate to Section: "Mission".

Overview: A Walden Education[edit source]

Please use this Section for discussions that relate to Section: "Overview: a Walden Education".

The EcoUniversiTute[edit source]

Please use this Section for discussions that relate to Section: "The EcoUniversiTute".

The Curriculum[edit source]

Please use this Section for discussions that relate to Section: "The Curriculum".

Agricultural College Liberal Arts University Institute of Technology Vocational College

Business Functions[edit source]

Eco-community Design, development & Management[edit source]

A Eupraxsophy Center[edit source]

Please use this Section for discussions that relate to Section: "A Eupraxsophy Center".

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