Good start. Make sure to lay out the description, especially the method section, in an easy to follow way. In addition, please use only photo that you have taken. Puting up other organization's photos may be a copyright violation, plus your photos will be much more applicable to your project. Also, please make sure to include a plan to maintain the structure after you leave. Thank you, I look forward to reading this final project while sitting on your bench.

Keep up the great work, Lonny 02:09, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

A few heading formatting suggestions[edit source]

Consider removing the heading for introduction. This will allow for better word wrapping at the top, and that section is considered the introduction anyways. Please make all main headings level two, i.e. use the double equal signs ==. Then make the subheadings level three, i.e. ===.

Thank you, Lonny 03:11, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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