Soda and other bottled beverages give the best return on investment of any legal business other than pharma and alcohol.

You can start your own business with about $500 USD in plant and materials science, then invest more as you get income.

  1. make his mix. Everything is possible. Something with sugar or caffeine in it. "Coolers" are a mixture of wine and sugar as well. Diet drinks (cheaper to produce and simply because there is little opportunity to ferment).
  2. The carbonate: Fill the whole bottle with liquid. Unscrew the tightening screw of the bottle so that the "airstone" is in the liquid and carefully insert the CO2. That's why you should have a regulator. You want the bubbles to be as small as possible.

Denial: If something explodes, you are 100 percent responsible for it. What I described worked for me. But there are no guarantees!

Storing the bottles at this time allowed more of the CO2 to remain in the liquid. I suggest you work at a low pressure until you get used to it. Never work with half full or empty bottles. This increases the risk of an explosion. The bottles should be at least 80% full.

Then close the CO2 shut-off device and remove the cap with tube and "airstone". You can then screw on a tamper-proof bottle cap and with a label you can sell the soda.


Because selling soda is the best and biggest giveaway from any legal business, your problem isn't how good your soda is, but whether anyone else has any ideas to compare it.

Many years before that my dad and I started bottling a gin and ale drink somewhere down south. We were good and stupid that we didn't seek official approval. We've been through the direct office work but an insider has said we'll never receive approval. There are other interests (there is a big bottle factory where we lived).

If they have a bit of yeast in the sugar contamination, they might have a bit of fermentation. If they are happy people will get it for champagne, but your picture won't help. The hygiene is very important and before you can allow automated aseptic plant, you cook everything that can be cooked. Do you make beer in this way because you are at the real money.

EXPLOSION HAZARD Because after 120 PSI (pounds per inch) pressure I discovered world bottles. Bottles that are in your country may be made thinner or have irregular items and could be inflatable. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF and should be what its safe limits are. When I have a bottle I haven't had above 60 PSI. Did I mention that you can intentionally throw shards of plastic in one or both eyes or other parts (sometimes grabbing people between their legs when filling the bottles) Now you've been warned.

Stuff you need

  1. A clear bond for hygiene. If its not health related it will make people sick and if you don't know about it, if you don't care if you make people sick because maybe you should give another company more money.
  2. Sanitary water. Whether you have connection to it, because you are in the profession because you could just start with healthy water bottling. If your community doesn't have it because selling medicinal water might be a great company to have, but you have to find medicinal water like that in the beginning. Cooking is a start, but it's more expensive per portion than other methods, but is very cheap to start with.
  3. Once bottles that generic and anti-counterfeit bottle cap, but supplier sometimes is a bit far, but I've found in different countries. Metal bottle caps on reusable glass bottles is one option, but hygiene is difficult for a small work.
  4. Big vat that they can sanitize and set up your mix. After that, make sure there is no contamination from ladle, pitcher or funnel. Cook all the thing between each use. Also, they cook the "Airstone".
  5. You need some washing up. A benefit of chemical washing (aspartame, saccharin) is that there is much less risk of contamination. You can just cheaper than sugar too. And then they can name your product "diet". But sugar has some nutritional purpose and sometimes an ethical offering.
  6. A little colour. Please, stick to food grade. I know that sometimes aniline is used for food coloring in developing countries so kids like it. I want to say that it is poisonous and bad. Depending on the circumstances you can make your own food coloring like caramel that is basic and easy. Did you know that cochineal red (E120) is an FD&A approved food coloring and comes from cochineal insects? At La Paz I could pick up as many cochineal that I would like from cactus.
  7. A little seasoning. Here's your chance to make history. What everyone including big company does is cook together. Ingvar, cinnamon what you will. But you have to be concerned about what you take measurements so that you can reconcile and copy your batch. When they have your condiments mix it with color and wash in water and they are done! Look [1] below.

carbonate thing

  1. CO2 compressed gas tank. They wanted your own but they can't rent it first. They want to ask for a deposit and usually a monthly payment is very cheap that they might want to wait to buy one. It was about $400 deposit but they will give it back, monthly rent was about $5 and a full air tank was about $15.
  2. Sie wollten vielleicht deine eigen Gasdruckregler kaufen. Es ist vielicht die teuerste eigen nicht erstattungsfähig kosten. Ich habe mein noch, und war etwa $200 USD, aber sie können glücklich sein und meite es.
  3. "Blasdüsenrohr". Ich habe mein eigen von Plastik Pfeife gemacht. Ich jetzt befürworten "Airstone" von Fischglas, shau an [2] unten. Seine ziel ist zu sprudeln in eine Fläche möglichst klein diese teil ist schwer und etwa Silikon Klebe gelegen kommen. Sie willen die sache so dass die "Airstone" geht ins die Flasche und die Rohr geht durch Schraubkappe.
  4. Rohr und deutlich Plastik. Mein erste war wie eine Krankenhaus form Tropf Neumodischer Apparat.


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