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Appropedia:Pywikipediabot/appropedia family.py

From Appropedia

The file appropedia_family.py should be placed in the families folder of your Pywikipedia installation.

Technical notes:

  • The up-to-date list of namespaces can be extracted at any time from namespaces|namespacealiases|here.
  • If the wiki changes its version or namespaces, errors will be generated when running the bot. These usually don't matter, but can be fixed be updating your family file.

appropedia_family.py[edit | edit source]

Add the following text to a text file (using a text editor), and save as appropedia_family.py, in your Pywikipedia/families folder.

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import family
 # Appropedia.org # Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives. 
 # This family file is based on the Mozilla family file

class Family(family.Family):
     def __init__(self):
         self.name = 'appropedia' #Set the family name; this should be the same as in the filename.
         self.langs = {
             'en': 'www.appropedia.org', #Put the hostname here.
         self.namespaces[4] = {
             '_default': u'Appropedia', #Specify the project namespace here. Other
         }                               #namespaces will be set to MediaWiki default.

         self.namespaces[5] = {
             '_default': u'Appropedia talk',

         self.namespaces[6] = {
             '_default': u'File',

         self.namespaces[7] = {
             '_default': u'File talk',

         self.namespaces[8] = {
             '_default': u'MediaWiki',

         self.namespaces[9] = {
             '_default': u'MediaWiki talk',

         self.namespaces[10] = {
             '_default': u'Template',

         self.namespaces[11] = {
             '_default': u'Template talk',

         self.namespaces[12] = {
             '_default': u'Help',

         self.namespaces[13] = {
             '_default': u'Help talk',

         self.namespaces[14] = {
             '_default': u'Category',

         self.namespaces[15] = {
             '_default': u'Category talk',

         self.namespaces[100] = {
             '_default': u'Portal',

         self.namespaces[101] = {
             '_default': u'Portal talk',

         self.namespaces[102] = {
             '_default': u'Original',

         self.namespaces[103] = {
             '_default': u'Original talk',

         self.namespaces[106] = {
             '_default': u'Property',

         self.namespaces[107] = {
             '_default': u'Property talk',

         self.namespaces[110] = {
             '_default': u'Form',

         self.namespaces[111] = {
             '_default': u'Form talk',

         self.namespaces[112] = {
             '_default': u'Concept',

         self.namespaces[113] = {
             '_default': u'Concept talk',

         self.namespaces[170] = {
             '_default': u'Filter',

         self.namespaces[171] = {
             '_default': u'Filter talk',

         self.namespaces[274] = {
             '_default': u'Widget',

         self.namespaces[275] = {
             '_default': u'Widget talk',

         self.namespaces[284] = {
             '_default': u'Book',

         self.namespaces[285] = {
             '_default': u'Book talk',

         self.namespaces[420] = {
             '_default': u'Layer',

         self.namespaces[421] = {
             '_default': u'Layer talk',

#If needed, the default(?) namespaces are:   
#   0 	Main 	Talk 	1
#   2 	User 	User talk 	3
#   4 	Wikipedia 	Wikipedia talk 	5
#   6 	File 	File talk 	7
#   8 	MediaWiki 	MediaWiki talk 	9
#   10 	Template 	Template talk 	11
#   12 	Help 	Help talk 	13
#   14 	Category 	Category talk 	15
#   100 	Portal 	Portal talk 	101

         self.category_redirect_templates = {
            '_default': (),
            'en': (u"Category redirect",
                   u"Category redirect3",
                   u"Cat redirect",

     def version(self, code):
         return "1.17.0"  #The MediaWiki version used. Not very important in most cases.
     def path(self, code):
         return '/index.php' #The path of index.php, look at your wiki address. 
# This line may need to be changed to /wiki/index.php or /w/index.php, 
# depending on the folder where your mediawiki program is located.

     def apipath(self, code):

         return '/api.php' #The path of api.php

     def scriptpath(self, code):

         return '' #empty string - base directory

     def nicepath(self, code):

         return '/' #fix the url to have no /wiki in it, when using "open in [b]rowser"
	 # if your wiki's url form is http://domainname.org/foo/ then use return '/foo/' here
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