Appropedia:Initiatives/Archive/EWB Challenge site development/Structure
Content and data structure[edit | edit source]
Data to be entered[edit | edit source]
Developed initially by Alex Bayley and Jenny Turner. This needs to be checked and perhaps adjusted before implementation.
All pages on Appropedia have titles, so the title of the project will be the title of the page.
2) SEMANTIC FIELDS (these are searchable through the semantic interfaces)
EWB Challenge University
- type: text
- form interface: freeform text field with autosuggest
EWB Challenge Year
- type: number
- form interface: freeform text field
EWB Challenge Design Area
- type: page
- form interface: radio buttons or dropdown
- will link to an EWB Challenge Type page with more information about that topic, e.g. sanitation. (Clarify with dev about options for linking, re the following comment. Clarity with EWB, their comment: "I'm not sure that we need this to link to a page. It would be great if they could just have a text field where they can enter the design area, eg sanitation, housing, energy etc." Do we want this to link to a manually created page which includes a filtered view of all projects in that design area?)
EWB Challenge Location
- type: page
- form interface: radio buttons or dropdown
- will link to an EWB Challenge Type page with more information about that topic, eg. sanitation. (EWB is not sure if we need to link this to a page. "It should be a text field where students can enter the location eg, Nepal, India, Timor Leste etc." But dropdown makes more sense, for limited location options? Perhaps an "Other" option?)
EWB Challenge Status: We just need them all to display a notice (preferably a notice box) such as "Student concept - this design hasn't been tested in the field". However, we want to allow for this form to be developed to work with other projects that may be at different stages. In that case, we want the following (perhaps commented out in the current EWB Challenge version of the form?) We will also need to collect details about how the tech was verified or deployed.
- type: text
- form interface: radio buttons or dropdown
- Concept, Design, Model, Prototype, Verified, Deployed
3) ADDITIONAL FORM FIELDS (not semantic, but we can still use the form for this)
- we can include an "upload a file" link here
3) FREEFORM TEXT (not searchable via semantic tools, but searchable via regular site search)
Each of these will have a subheading and the students will be encouraged to fill in information under it.
- Student names
- Description of design
- Photos/images
- Environmental benefits/impacts
- Economic benefits/impacts
- Social benefits/impacts
Additional notes on data[edit | edit source]
(These may inform development of the structure above.)
Design areas[edit | edit source]
List from Jenny:
- Housing
- Water purification
- Water supply
- Sanitation
- Hygiene
- Solid waste management
- Organic waste management
- Transport
- Food security
- Disaster management
For reference, the design areas have varied slightly in past years, but have included:
- Design area 1: Housing design & construction
- Design area 2: Water supply, sanitation and hygiene
- Design area 3: Energy
- Design area 4: Waste management
- Design area 5: Transportation
- Design area 6: Information communications technology
- Design area 7: Agriculture (for Pitchandikulum Forest)
- Or: Design area 7: Climate change (for Plan - Timor Leste)
- Design area 8: Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (for Kooma Traditional Owners Association)
- Design area 9: Eco-Tourism, Accommodation & Education Site (for Kooma Traditional Owners Association)
Questions & requests to EWB:
- Standardise spelling & capitalisation for categories etc. (Oxford spelling?) Transport or Transportation?
Questions to dev:
- Should EWB standardise the design areas, so they are the same from year to year? Or not a big issue?
Location[edit | edit source]
Current locations, TBC. (Others to be added in future years.)
- Tamil Nadu, India
- Ton Le Sap Lake, Cambodia
- Lautem district, Timor Leste
- The Gorkha District, Nepal
Year[edit | edit source]
Note for EWB: Make a clear definition of "year" for the project (e.g. due date of report submission). The academic year is different for institutions in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The important thing is consistency, so a cohort's reports are grouped together.
Institutions[edit | edit source]
A list of the universities involved in Australia and New Zealand can be found at:
A list of the universities in the UK and Ireland can be found at: This list might change each year as more universities join.
Entry: Probably some kind of dropdown, possibly with AJAX (offering suggestions as you type).
University courses[edit | edit source]
This was taken off the list.
Question to EWB: Do we want to record this, just not as metadata?
Author/profile info[edit | edit source]
Probably not as metadata.
Contact info: Appropedia editors can be contacted by their profile page. This is preferable to making their email addresses public.
Note to dev: Users should be prompted to fill in appropriate information in their user profile, to ensure they can be contacted. This may include a reliable email address and/or social media contact.
Note to EWB: This message about being contactable should be given to students before signing up as well (or while assisting them in uploading their project info).
Appropedia:Status[edit | edit source]
Appropedia:Status tags, showing the state of the technology. In essence, asking "How seriously should we take this report?"
The description page at Appropedia:Status describes:
- Status:Concept (not created yet)
- Status:Design
- Status:Model
- Status:Prototype
- Status:Verified
- Status:Deployed
Question to EWB: Include status tags? Prominently, near top? (I think I discussed this with Jenny Turner from EWB and this was agreed to be a good idea. --Chriswaterguy (talk) 19:30, 22 April 2015 (PDT))
Note to dev: Choose via radio button? (Probably not dropdown as we don't think one project will have more than one value.)
Assessment[edit | edit source]
Question to EWB: Are there assessments or notes about the reports that should be described? E.g. a report may have an excellent analysis of the problem, but a particular proposed solution may be problematic.
Design brief and sample reports[edit | edit source]
Chriswaterguy (talk) has 3 documents to be shared with the semantic developer:
- "Plan TL EWB Challenge Project Design Brief" (design brief for participants in the Challenge, not for the web project)
- "2B Water Filtration Timor Leste" (sample report, of the kind which will be summarized for the semantic compendium on Appropedia)
- "4A_Water Purification Module" (another sample report)