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Graduating senior with Business Administration major, Economics, Asian Studies, and Education minors. Interested in international business, marketing, and web design. Currently wanting to teach English in South Korea.

The open source movement is something that has emerged which supports the open sharing and licensing of software and creative content. The basic idea behind it is "open collaboration" that advances the improvements across open source communities. By exchanging information and having transparency in our development (instead of keeping things secret) we can achieve so much more within those communities. This idea is very attractive to me because the idea of sharing ideas and working off one another to improve them will ultimately lead to a better future for our world. We will be able to advance technologically at a much faster rate than if we stick to the closed formality. However, even though ideas are open and accessible to anyone, anyone that works on an idea should receive credit for their contribution, and plagiarism is something we need to avoid. But I believe this idea of open sourcing holds the key to our future success on this planet.

My Jellybox printer is one I put together from the wires up. Without the sharing of knowledge available to me through the open source movement, I would have never been as successful building my printer as I was. Now that it is up and printing, I can search for STL files, edit them, and even create my own to share with the 3D printing community. I hope going forward I can contribute to this open source community and help others the same way it helped me. If I can create new designs or print objects that will benefit someone in the world, I think that would be an empowering experience.

I'm looking forward to see what I learn about 3D printing, the open source community, and myself!


Picture Description Design Source
Apple Watch.JPG Apple watch charging station http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:882810
Spinning Top.JPG Spinning Top- Orbital Series http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:542914


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Error in widget YouTube: Unable to load template 'wiki:YouTube'

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