Agriculture[edit | edit source]

The Use of Organic Residues in Rural Communities, 177 p. - Note: This appears to be a UNU document, not a VITA document.
Bioconversion of Organic Residues for Rural Communities, 178 p.
AGRIC - BOSTID_Lost_Crops_Africa
AGRIC - BOSTID_Triticale_Cereal
AGRIC - BOSTID_Saline_Plants
AGRIC - BOSTID_Micro_Livestock
AGRIC - BOSTID_Asian_Animals_Rare
AGRIC - BOSTID_Crocodile_Farming
AGRIC - BOSTID_Water_Buffalo
AGRIC - BOSTID_Butterfly_Farming
The Winged Bean High Protein Crop for the Humid Tropics, 41 p.
AGRIC - BOSTID_Rangeland
AGRIC - CPFE_Dryland_Gardens
AGRIC - Echo_Food_Growing
AGRIC - BF_Plant
AGRIC - BF_Leaves
AGRIC - BF_Flower
AGRIC - BF_Crops
AGRIC - BF_Animals
AGRIC - BF_Farm_Business
AGRIC - BF_Cattle_breeding
AGRIC - BF_Sheep_Breeding
AGRIC - VITA - Sheep - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Goats Dairy - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Dairy Production - (fr de it po es)
Better Farming Series 13 - Keeping Chickens, 48 p.
AGRIC - VITA - Chickens - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Chickens and Ducks - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - BF_Ducks_1
AGRIC - VITA - Poultry - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - BF_Cereals
AGRIC - BF_Tubers
AGRIC - BF_Groundnuts
Better Farming Series 18 Bananas, 27 p.
AGRIC - BF_Horticulture
AGRIC - BF_Upland_Rice
AGRIC - BF_Paddy_Rice
AGRIC - BF_Cocoa
AGRIC - BF_Coffee
AGRIC - BF_Oil_Palm
AGRIC - BF_Rubber
AGRIC - BF_Modern_Farm_Business
AGRIC - BF_Water
AGRIC - BF_Farming_Snails_1
AGRIC - BF_Farming_Snails_2
AGRIC - BF_Rabbits_1
AGRIC - BF_Rabbits_2
Back Yard and Commercial Rabbit Production, 92 p.
AGRIC - VITA - Rabbits - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - BF_Tree_Fodder
AGRIC - BF_Straw
AGRIC - BF_Cassava_Animals
AGRIC - BF_SweetPotato_Animals
AGRIC - BF_MultiNutrients
AGRIC - GTZ_Soil_Preparation
Abstracts on Sustainable Agriculture, 423 p.
AGRIC - KENRIK_Tradit_Food_Plants_Kenya
AGRIC - IIRR_Biointensive_Garden
AGRIC - VITA - Gardens - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - IIRR_Soil_Water_Agrofor
AGRIC - IIRR_AgroForestry
AGRIC - IIRR_Agroforestry_2
AGRIC - VITA - AgroForestry - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - IIRR_Cropping_Systems
AGRIC - IIRR_Animal_Production
AGRIC - IIRR_LowInput_Rice_Prod
Traditional Field Crops, 283 p.
Root crops, 308 p.
AGRIC - VITA - Root Crops - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - NRI_Trees_for_Livestock
AGRIC - NRI_Locusts
AGRIC - PC_Pesticide_Safety
AGRIC - Winrock_Nitrogen_Trees_Fodder
AGRIC - VITA - Cereals Manual I - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Cereals Manual II - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Seed Germination - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Seeds and Weeds - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - SoyBeans - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Garden Sileage - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Greenhouses - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Grain Storage III - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Agricultural Experiments - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Agricultural Waste - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Soil Preparation - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Insects - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Integrated Pest Control - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Legumes - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - HydroPonics - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Fertilisers - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Fertilisers Manual II - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Cropping Multiple - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - BeeKeeping - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Pigs - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Environmentally Sound Agricultural Production - (fr de it po es)
AGRIC - VITA - Environmentally Sound Livestock Production - (fr de it po es)
Pesticide safety for farmworkers
Cultivos tradicionales
Extensión agrícola
Guía para el cultivo del manzano en Costa Rica
Guia practica - Como Manejar Abejas Africanizadas
La Apicultura de Pequeña Escala
Uso seguro de pesticidas para los trabajadores del campo - Pesticide safety for farmworkers
A glossary of agricultural terms English -Spanish
An English-Spanish glossary - of terminology used in forestry, range, wildlife, fishery, soils, and botany

Appropiate Technology[edit | edit source]

APPRTECH - VITA - Ethanol - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - BOSTID_Firewood_Crops
APPRTECH - VITA - Wood Fuel - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wood Waste - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - BF_Animal_Power
APPRTECH - GTZ_Animal_Traction
APPRTECH - GTZ_Animal_Power
APPRTECH - GTZ_Animal_Traction
APPRTECH - GTZ_Animal_Power_Milling
APPRTECH - GTZ - Animal Traction Harness/Implements
APPRTECH - GTZ_Rainwater_Catchment
APPRTECH - GTZ_Mining_Tools
Understanding Solar Cells - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Solar_Cookers
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Cookers II - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Cookers - (fr de it po es)
Understanding Solar Concentrators - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Cooker III - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Energy - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Pump - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Still - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Still II - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Stills
APPRTECH - GTZ - Seawater Desalination
APPRTECH - GTZ - Desalination Options
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Water Heater - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Solar Water Heater II - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - SKAT_Solar_Water_Heaters
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Drying Timber
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Drying Food Preservation
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Drying - 3 machines
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Electricity
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Water Heater
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Cooker FieldTest
APPRTECH - GTZ - Solar Dryer Plans
APPRTECH - GTZ - Photovoltaic Water Pumps
APPRTECH - GTZ - Photovoltaic Applications Factsheet
APPRTECH - GTZ - Bicycle Reference Manual
APPRTECH - GTZ - Recycling PET Bottles
APPRTECH - GTZ - Recycling Lead-Acid Batteries
APPRTECH - GTZ - Plastic Waste Recycling
APPRTECH - GTZ - Waste Paper Recycling
APPRTECH - GTZ - Fuel Briquettes Organic Residues
APPRTECH - GTZ - Recycling Used Tyres
APPRTECH - GTZ - Recycling Guidelines
APPRTECH - GTZ - Reusing Waste Engine Oil
APPRTECH - UNEP_Fuelsaving_Stoves
APPRTECH - GTZ_Fuelsaving_Cookstoves
APPRTECH - VITA - Biomass Stoves - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wood Stoves - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wood Stove Testing - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Cookers - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Improved Stoves - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Stove Portable - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - SawDust Stove - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Pottery_Kilns
APPRTECH - GTZ_Pottery_Forming
APPRTECH - GTZ_Pottery_Glazes
APPRTECH - GTZ_Pottery_Clay
APPRTECH - VITA - Pottery Kiln - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Charcoal_Gasifiers
APPRTECH - VITA - Charcoal - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Charcoal and Wood - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Charcoal Production - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas_Animal_Prod
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas_Improved
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas_Purification
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas_Engines
APPRTECH - VITA - BioGas - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - BioGas 3 cubic metre plant - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Biogas in India - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas_Dissemination
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas HTM version (non-IS0 9660-COMPLIANT)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 1/4 (0.5 Meg)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 2/4 (0.5 Meg)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 3/4 (0.5 Meg)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 4/4 (0.5 Meg)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Rural_Electr
APPRTECH - CEEST_Env_SmallScale_Mining
APPRTECH - VITA - Soap Making - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - GTZ_Neem_Processing
APPRTECH - ILO_SmallScale_Weaving
APPRTECH - ILO_SmallScale_Footwear
APPRTECH - ILO_SmallScale_Horn_Processing
APPRTECH - ILO_Blend_New_Tradit_Technologies
APPRTECH - IDRC_101_Technologies
APPRTECH - NRI_Sisal_Dyeing
APPRTECH - NRI_Straw_Dyeing
APPRTECH - NRI_Agric_Residues_Burner
APPRTECH - Biomass_Gasification
APPRTECH - PACE_New_Energy_Technology
APPRTECH - PC_Tool_Making
APPRTECH - UNDP_World_Energy_Assessment
APPRTECH - SIDA_Used_Clothing_Imports
APPRTECH - SKAT_Village_Electrification
APPRTECH - PC_BlackSmithing
APPRTECH - TOOL_Tools_Disabled
APPRTECH - WB_Economics_Renewable_Energies
APPRTECH - ENG_UNDP_Village_Engine_Biodiesel
APPRTECH - WEIR_Hydrostatic_Coil_Pump
APPRTECH - VITA - Pumps 6 Types - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - WEIR_Trolley_Manpowered_Irrigation_Pump
APPRTECH - WEIR_Wooden_Bearings_Tests
APPRTECH - WEIR_Pedal_Powered_Sorghum_Thresher
APPRTECH - WEIR_Pedal_Power_Devices
APPRTECH - VITA - Pedal Power - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - MISC_Pedal_Generator
APPRTECH - VITA - Assessing Rural Needs - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Auto Vehicle Maintenance - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Batteries - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Bedding - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Blue Jeans - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Bread Baking - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Candles - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Blacksmiths Forge - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Chain Link Fencing - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Computers - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Cooling Passive - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Dimension Hardwood - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Ladies Dresses - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Earth Moving - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Energy Storage - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Environmentally Sound Energy Production - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Evaporative Coolers - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Glass Containers - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Glass Recycling - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Glucose from Cassava - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Glue for Construction - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Hand Looms (Weaving) - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Hand Washing Machine - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Mens Pants (Trousers) - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Metal Recycling - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Oil Kilns II - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Oven Oil-Fired - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Oven Wood - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Paint - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Paint Manufacturing - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Paper - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Paper Bags - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Paper Making - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Paper recycling - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Pens - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Publication Catalog - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Renewable Energy Dictionary - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Roads LowCost - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Rubber Cement - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Gents Shirts - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Silk Screen Printing - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Stirling Engine - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Village Technology Handbook - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Washing Machine - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wind Energy - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Savonius Rotor Wind Machine - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wind Mills - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wind Pumps - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wind Water Pumping - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Wind Water Pumping II - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Work Shirts - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Water Power - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Water Wheels - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Water Wheels Overshot - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Hydra Ram (Water Power) - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Hydro Micro (Water Power) - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Hydro Mini (Water Power) - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Hydro Power (Water Power) - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - Banki Water Turbine - (fr de it po es)
APPRTECH - VITA - River Generator - (fr de it po es)

Construction[edit | edit source]

CONSTRUC - GTZ - Waste in BrickMaking
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Brickmaking Biblio
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Brick Clay Preparation
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Drying Clay Bricks & Tiles
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Firing Clay Bricks & Tiles
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Brick Clamps
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Bulls Trench Brick Kiln
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Hoffman Kilns
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Igloo Type Brick Kilns Zimbabwe
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Brick & Tile Production Ghana I
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Brick & Tile Production Ghana II
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Brick & Tile Production Ghana III
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Interlocking Blocks
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica I
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica II
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica III
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica IV
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Stone for Building
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Stone for Building II
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Stone Walls Mountainous Regions I
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Stone Walls Mountainous Regions II
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Slabby Stone Walls
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Boulder Stone Walls
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln III
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln IV
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln V
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln VI
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln VII
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Woodless Construction I
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Woodless Construction II
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Woodless Construction III
CONSTRUC - GTZ - Thermal Improvement Buildings Chile
CONSTRUC - VITA - Ferrocement - (fr de it po es)
Building with Pumice, 86 p.
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Building_Lime
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Compressed_Earth_Blocks_1
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Compressed_Earth_2
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Compressed_Earth_Presses
CONSTRUC - VITA - Cinva Ram Block Making Machine - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - CDI_Compressed_Earth_Blocks_Stds
CONSTRUC - ILO_Stabilised_Earth_Blocks
CONSTRUC - VITA - Stabilized Earth II - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Stabilized Earth - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Clay_Brick_Tile_Eq
Concrete Block Producing Equipment, 22 p.
CONSTRUC - ILO_SmallScale_BrickMaking
CONSTRUC - VITA - Bricks - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - GTZ_BrickMaking_Village
CONSTRUC - VITA - Burnt Bricks - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Briquetting - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Asbestos_Overview
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Biomass_Roofing
CONSTRUC - Habitat_Biomass_Energy
CONSTRUC - Habitat_Economics_Building_Materials
CONSTRUC - Habitat_Indig_Building_Materials
CONSTRUC - Habitat_Low_Energy_Construction
CONSTRUC - Habitat_SmallScale_Cement
CONSTRUC - VITA - Cement, Portland - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - ILO_Stone_Paving_Blocks
CONSTRUC - PC_Building_Constr
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Approp_Building_Materials
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Approp_Building_Materials - Spanish Version
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Climate_Resp_Buildings
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Tropical_Building_Design
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Building_Arches
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Roof_Cover_Guide
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Roof_Structure_Guide
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Roof_Trusses
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Concrete_Roofing
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Fiber_Concrete_Roofing
CONSTRUC - GTZ_Fiber_Concrete_Roof_Equip
CONSTRUC - SKAT_Fiber_Concrete_Roof_Tiles
CONSTRUC - VITA - Adobe Mud Construction - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Bamboo - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Bridges - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Ceramic Plant - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Construction - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Clay Processing - (fr de it po es)
CONSTRUC - VITA - Clay Products - (fr de it po es)

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Language English (en)
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Created January 11, 2007 by Eric Blazek
Last modified May 15, 2022 by Felipe Schenone
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