The schedule of the OSN Conference itself is:

October 18-19, 2008
8:30am for 9am start
"official" finish 4pm, when we need to leave the building, but conversations will continue outdoors or at another location. (Dinner on Saturday may be semi-official, especially if there is a sponsor.)

Please arrive early The schedule of related activities (after hours, eve-of-conference, etc), and events leading up to the conference, and the detailed agenda is still under development.

Agenda[edit | edit source]

Proposed agenda:

Each day will begin and end with a single gathering.
The remainder of the day will be open for presentations in each of the rooms.
This section below needs rewriting. Move the sub-sections below to OSNCamp 2008/Presentations? Do some presentations related to OSN need special notice given here?

OSN Workshops[edit | edit source]

Bringing relevant parties together provides the opportunity to:

  1. Discuss what "Open" means -- is it only text? pictures? ideas? Intellectual property? Patents?
  2. Identify existing initiatives, and learn from successes and failures.
  3. Identify existing tools - Their advantages and disadvantages
  4. Perform a gap analysis and identify opportunities for collaboration -- NGOs, community based orgs (CBOs), individuals, academics, "repositories and collaboration sites", donors, governments, churches, for-profit entities offering DIY kits and AT, etc,.
  5. Identify a broader network of practitioners with experience in online collaboration
  6. Enlist support of additional parties to build the network and scale up impact.
  7. Establish short and long term goals for effectively implementing an Open Sustainability Network
  8. Determine means of quality control and quality assurance - potential rating dimensions, raters, accrediting test labs,

Workshop #1: Online Education[edit | edit source]

Goal: Develop a framework for online course hosting at the Open Sustainability Network.

One of the goals of the Open Sustainability Network is to build a unified collection of relevant online tools and practices to help students and teachers build effective programs in appropriate technology and social entrepreneurship. Specifically, the OSN is focused on impacting the training of future innovators and managers who will need to effectively tackle a set of profound global challenges through the creation, commercialization and institutionalization of sustainable enterprise and clean technologies.

Workshop #2: Collaborative Taxonomies[edit | edit source]

Goal: Develop a system of taxonomies to classify and share technologies, implementation efforts, projects, educational resources, impacts and community information. Define methods of collaboration.

Workshop #3: Online Publications[edit | edit source]

Goal: Define best practices in online publications. In particular this workshop will determine how to best navigate copyright and patent law and the best methods for encouraging open source appropriate technology in a range of contexts.

Sunday[edit | edit source]

Location: Little Marina Green Park (Marina Boulevard and Yacht Harbor Road; west end of Marina Green, east of Crissy Field). (8.0 mi, 15 mins drive, or est. 38 minutes by the #28 bus, and foot.)

If you are planning to drive from campus to the event, and are willing to carpool, check our carpool page. This event will be running most of the previous week also (October 15 – 19, 2008 9:00am - 5:30 pm). Organized by David Reber.

Comment/question: We can presumably adjust the timing of the visit, as long as we get there by about 4 or 4:30? Some attendees have to return to Humboldt County on the Sunday evening, and may want to leave before this.

See also[edit | edit source]

Other progressive Events on the Weekend of Oct 18[edit | edit source]

These are the events competing for your attention on the weekend of the 18th.

  • Craigslist Foundation's Nonprofit Boot Camp
  • Bioneers
  • Free Seminar "Go Solar" [1]

Items to schedule[edit | edit source]

  • When agenda closes
  • Press release date(s)
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Authors Joshua M. Pearce, Chris Watkins
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Translations Chinese, Indonesian
Related 2 subpages, 17 pages link here
Aliases OSNCon/Schedule, OpenSustainabilityCamp 2008/Schedule
Impact 44 page views (more)
Created July 26, 2008 by Curt Beckmann
Last modified June 14, 2024 by StandardWikitext bot
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