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Name Kyle Stammerjohn
Registered 2010
Impact 840
Contributions Air Ship Air City rooftop greywater filtration

Name: Kyle Stammerjohn

I am a Cal Poly Humboldt Environmental Science undergrad. I am originally from La Mesa, California in San Diego County. I have lived in San Luis Obispo, California and am currently residing in Arcata, California in Humboldt County.

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Experience and Resources[edit | edit source]

I have the following experience, skills or resources to share with Engr370:

  • I participated in conducting an energy audit of Grossmont High School's campus in La Mesa, California and presented the results including several suggested improvments to the administration.
  • I worked with Cal Poly Humboldt's Campus Recycling Program from 2007 to 2010, where I served as director of the compost program; presented educational workshops, produced several tons of finished compost, and attended sustainability conferences.
  • I worked as a student assistant to TC Comet, Humboldt State's Sustainability Coordinator. My responsibilities included collection of recyclable materials, E-waste, surplus furniture for repurposing, and some of the campus's trash.
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