Opportunity Definition (2nd try) feedback[edit source]

I like the use of the same page for the project. This might be something we will need to adapt later.

Please complete a new background section that includes an explanation of why a 2nd try is needed (the wall ended up having to be moved to fit the greenhouse frame). Please also link all of your names. It was good to hear the three phases. Please make it explicit that you will be researching, designing and constructing each phase.

Thanks, --Lonny 16:29, 4 February 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Oops. I now see that you edited the previous parts to reflect the reasons for dismantling. Still please include a brief mention of that in a specific second try background section.

--Lonny 16:32, 4 February 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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