Print only in hood or well ventilated area.

BOM[edit | edit source]

OpenSCAD design[edit | edit source]

  • End effector - download latest version of Athena SCAD files and SCAD libraries. Change the Bowden dimensions in athena.scad. Render the end effector and print.
  • Extruder drive - download latest version of extruder drive SCAD files (requires the SCAD library, as above). Change the filament dimensions in extruder_drive_renderer.scad. Render the extruder drive body and print.

Build Instructions[edit | edit source]

Testing with Athena RepRap 3D printer[edit | edit source]

10/22/15 - Test 0[edit | edit source]

Maxpower 333605 test 0 print result.

Conditions[edit | edit source]

  • Filament: Maxpower 333605 Residential Grade Round .105-Inch Trimmer Line 690-Foot Length from Amazon for $24.35/3 pounds (1.3kg $18.73/kg)
  • End effector: 3mm Athena print effector
  • Hot end: Lulzbot Hexagon, 3mm x 0.35mm
  • Extruder drive: 3mm Phidias extruder drive
  • Firmware: Franklin (latest)
  • Temperature: 260 C
  • Print speed: Variable (testing capabilities)
  • Slicing: Cura 15.04 set to 3mm filament, 1 multiplier, 0.2mm layer height, print speed 70mm/s, 25% infill, 30mm/s initial layer speed
  • Bed: Mirror with glue stick

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Using a 12V fan on the end effector with pwm. Fan speed too high, end effector would not reach target temperature. Occluded lower half of fan with masking tape.
  2. First layer too close to glass requiring decrease in speed.
  3. Adjusted speed from 30% (21mm/s) to 140% (98mm/s) in 10% increments (70mm/s speed set in slicing) while printing first ~100 layers.
  4. Lower layers exhibited poor interlayer bonding.
  5. Print is flexible, but makes cracking noise when strained due to poor interlayer bonding.
  6. Bridging performance improved when speed lowered to ~30mm/s
  7. Experienced minor respiratory irritation during test. Future tests will be conducted under a hood.

10/23/15 - Test 1[edit | edit source]

Maxpower 333605 test 1 print result.

Conditions[edit | edit source]

  • Filament: Maxpower 333605 Residential Grade Round .105-Inch Trimmer Line 690-Foot Length from Amazon for $24.35/3 pounds (1.3kg $18.73/kg)
  • End effector: 3mm Athena print effector
  • Hot end: Lulzbot Hexagon, 3mm x 0.35mm
  • Extruder drive: 3mm Phidias extruder drive
  • Firmware: Franklin (latest)
  • Temperature: 260 C
  • Print speed: 70mm/s
  • Slicing: Cura 15.04 set to 3mm filament, 1 multiplier, 0.2mm layer height, print speed 70mm/s, 25% infill, 30mm/s initial layer speed
  • Bed: Mirror with glue stick

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Using a 12V fan on the end effector with pwm. Fan speed too high, end effector would not reach target temperature. Occluded lower half of fan with masking tape.
  2. Adjusted switch position (smaller) still some skipping on first layer
  3. Bridging performance is abysmal. Cura doesn't help it.
  4. Interlayer bonding improved.

10/23/15 - Test 2 ABORTED plugged nozzle[edit | edit source]

Conditions[edit | edit source]

  • Filament: Maxpower 333605 Residential Grade Round .105-Inch Trimmer Line 690-Foot Length from Amazon for $24.35/3 pounds (1.3kg $18.73/kg)
  • End effector: 3mm Athena print effector
  • Hot end: Lulzbot Hexagon, 3mm x 0.35mm
  • Extruder drive: 3mm Phidias extruder drive
  • Firmware: Franklin (latest)
  • Temperature: 265 C
  • Print speed: 70mm/s
  • Slicing: Slic3r 1.2.9, 2.667mm filament, 1 multiplier, 0.2mm layer height, print/infill.perimeter speed 70mm/s, bridge speed 30mm/s, 25% infill, 30mm/s initial layer speed
  • Bed: Mirror with glue stick

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Using a 12V fan on the end effector with pwm. Fan speed too high, end effector would not reach target temperature. Occluded lower half of fan with masking tape.

10/27/15 - Test 3[edit | edit source]

Maxpower 333605 test 3 print result. Note print warped off bed.

Conditions[edit | edit source]

  • Filament: Maxpower 333605 Residential Grade Round .105-Inch Trimmer Line 690-Foot Length from Amazon for $24.35/3 pounds (1.3kg $18.73/kg)
  • End effector: 3mm Athena print effector
  • Hot end: Lulzbot Hexagon, 3mm x 0.35mm
  • Extruder drive: 3mm Phidias extruder drive
  • Firmware: Franklin (latest)
  • Model: raptor_reloaded_gauntlet_supported.stl
  • Temperature: 265 C
  • Print speed: 70mm/s
  • Slicing: Cura 15.04, 2.667mm filament, 1 multiplier, 0.2mm layer height, print/infill.perimeter speed 70mm/s, bridge speed 30mm/s, 10% infill, 30mm/s initial layer speed
  • Bed: Mirror with glue stick

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. First print with 24V fan. Too much cooling, occluded fan with tape.
  2. Part of print warped off of the bed.
  3. Reduced print speed to 50% (35 mm/s max)
  4. Reduced acceleration to 1000 mm.s^2
  5. Reduced max speed to 100 mm/s
  • Above done to counter end effector being dislodged during printing, which occurred on two previous attempts.
  1. Print was brittle and broke easily at sides.

10/27/15 - Test 4[edit | edit source]

Maxpower 333605 test 4 print result. Note raft used for adhesion. Mirror was cracked when print started, it broke and displaced more due to stress from the print shrinking.

Conditions[edit | edit source]

  • Filament: Maxpower 333605 Residential Grade Round .105-Inch Trimmer Line 690-Foot Length from Amazon for $24.35/3 pounds (1.3kg $18.73/kg)
  • End effector: 3mm Athena print effector
  • Hot end: Lulzbot Hexagon, 3mm x 0.35mm
  • Extruder drive: 3mm Phidias extruder drive
  • Firmware: Franklin (latest)
  • Model: raptor_reloaded_gauntlet_supported.stl
  • Temperature: 265 C
  • Print speed: 45mm/s
  • Slicing: Cura 15.04, 2.667mm filament, 1 multiplier, 0.2mm layer height, print/infill.perimeter speed 70mm/s, bridge speed 30mm/s, 10% infill, 30mm/s initial layer speed, raft with 0 air gap, support: touching build plate
  • Bed: Mirror with glue stick

Notes[edit | edit source]

Removed from bed with raft and support (top) and raft and support removed (bottom). Note warping - should be flat on table top.
  1. Printed with a raft having no air gap so print is fused to raft attempting to counter warping.
  2. The mirror was cracked at startup and developed two more cracks during this print. The long crack through the center was also displaced in shear (see photo, above).
  3. The raft tore off despite no air gap.
  4. Overhang support was more difficult to remove. It was fused well to the underside of the print. Needle nose pliers were required to pull it off.

See also[edit | edit source]

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Authors Jerry Anzalone
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 3 pages link here
Impact 141 page views (more)
Created October 22, 2015 by Joshua M. Pearce
Last modified March 2, 2022 by Page script
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