Julian Quick

About Me

Julian Quick
I am studying Engineering at Humboldt State University. I have been a cabin leader for the MOSAIC youth project numerous times and I have worked for James Lawn Service in Arcata. Here is a video of me explaining the fundamental theorem of calculus. I am currently running a window washing service in Arcata.

Interests in Engineering

  • Vector fields and mathematics
  • Design
  • Mechanics

Experience in Engineering

  • I have a lot of experience with bicycle maintenance and repair, and have volunteered at the Humboldt State campus bike coop.
  • I have helped with the construction of a hydroelectric power generator for Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.
  • I perform weekly maintenance of the solar panels on the Humboldt State library roof.


Here is a memo I've written

Here is an spreadsheet that I made

Here is a Gantt chart I've made

Here is a design document I wrote with a team

Here is a proposal I wrote with a partner

Here is an AUTOCad diagram I made of a classroom

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