CCAT solar shower

Solar Shower at CCAT

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you". -- Maori Proverb
The idea of a hot shower outside on a cool summer night is very appealing. CCAT developed just 
the thing for the occasion! Several versions of solar showers are available to build 
or purchase. Also, several reasons exist as to why one might chose this alternative 
form of energy for heating water for bathing purposes.
First, we will examine the question of why one might choose solar energy over other forms to heat 
water. Solar energy is accessible almost anywhere. It is easily used for heating up water in a 
shower system. The cost of a solar shower system verses a gas heated or electrically heated 
system is far less. Looking at the Energy Star website provided by the EPA, one observes that 
water heating is typically the third largest energy expense in your home (after space heating 
and cooling). Water heating typically accounts for about 14% of your utility bill. One way to 
reduce water-heating costs would be to replace your old water heater with an alternative form 
of water heating such as solar energy.
A solar water heater includes collectors{solar heating panels} mounted on the roof or in a clear area 
of the yard, a separate storage tank near the conventional heater in the home, connecting pipe, and a 
controller. Solar water heaters reduce the annual fuel cost of supplying hot water to your home by 
more than half. Throughout the year, the solar system preheats the water before it reache s the 
conventional water heater. During the summer, it may provide all the required heat.
Several versions of solar showers are illustrated in photos from websites cited at the end of this 
document. The first photo (figure1.1) is an esthetically pleasi ng pool and spa type shower for outdoor 
patio use. This solar model is stationary and can be used in the hot summer months for those days in 
the garden or out by the pool. It is said to work well and is totally sun reliant for energy. You may 
visit the web page listed for one site on which you can purchase the shower or gain more information 
on it. This type of shower goes for around $265. The second photo (figure 2.1) is of the more familiar 
camping types portable solar showers. Most models found through research show a gain from 60 degrees 
to 110 degrees Fahrenheit in about three hours when in the sun. These showers consist of various types 
of black or silver bags and tubing. They tend to run about $10 in price. Finally, we have the CCAT 
version of the solar shower (figure 3.1).

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Sendog6913 17:30, 2 March 2008 (PST)
Humboldt State University - CCAT
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