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At Humboldt State University, the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT) has a pair of solar panels that are currently not in use. For the course, Engineering 305, we have been given the task to make use of the solar panels into a “Solar Kiosk” stand where students will be able to charge electronic devices for as long as the kiosk has enough power. This will demonstrate the use of appropriate technology introducing to peers what it is like to charge electronics off the grid. The kiosk will be located either near the Behavioral and Social Science (BSS) building or CCAT. The project will be implemented in the spring semester of 2017.

Problem statement

The objective of this project is to reactivate CCAT’s two functional solar panels so that they will provide renewable energy to the public and satisfy the majority of the population small energy demands.

Understanding the market

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row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3

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  1. You can use the ref code to include inline references. See Help:Footnotes for more.

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