

the Four Peppers: Harry Jones, Lauren Virzi and Mario Kaluhiokalani and Amanda Madden are the head of the Greenhouse Water Reclamation Project at Campus Center of Appropriate Technology (CCAT) located in Humboldt State University. The proposed project will be in progress for the duration of 13 weeks toward the end of the 2019 Spring Semester. CCAT is in need of a way to recycle the water used for the plants in the greenhouse. As CCAT strives to be a sustainable property, hydrating plants tend to produce a lot of water loss over time. Our job is to figure out how to make this water of use.

Problem statement

The objective of this project is to design and construct a system that will recycle the water used to hydrate CCAT greenhouse plants.

Literature Review

This is a review of the available literature pertinent to the a specific project.

Water reclamation basics

The reclamation of water from sources such as wastewater, groundwater, and rainfall is a critical relief to water needs across the globe. [1]

Composting concerns

Short paragraph on the concerns.[2]

Types of reclamation

Short introduction to types of composting. [3]

Type 1

Type 1 composting is a system that utilizes..... Make sure to include description [4], advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix.

Type 2

Type 2 composting is a system that utilizes..... Make sure to include description, advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix. [3]

Type 3

Type 3 composting is a system that utilizes..... Make sure to include description, advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix.

Designing interpretive materials

According to ______ interpretive materials for composting should include....

CCAT GHouse Table.JPG

Lauren Virzi:

Water Reclamation basics

Water reclamation is a system that recycles, or reclaims, water. This could mean anything, which is why so many different forms of this system exist. Whether the system collects rainwater, runoff, or excess water from gardens, they will share many qualities within the design and construction.

Water Reclamation concerns

There are a number of different concerns that water reclamation has. For starters, it is important to understand the path that the water has taken, thus assessing the cleanliness. An issue that can arise, is that one may not be comfortable reusing the water as is, and would prefer a filtration system as well. A filter, of course, means money. Money is a luxury that a lot of people do not have, such as those who would most benefit from a system like this. another concern is the transport of the water, and whether or not a pump is needed. Not only is this another expense, but also spatially can be a challenge.

Types of Water Reclamation

As mentioned above, water reclamation can take many forms. Below I will elaborate on the three main types. It is important to note that there are many sub categories of system types within each of these types.

Potable Reuse

For water to be considered potable it needs to go through an extensive filtration process to ensure that contaminates are at a minimum. Drinkable water has very little contaminants. One can make their own filter out of a variety of natural materials, such as sand.

Nonpotable Reuse

Nonpotable water is much more simple to come by, as well as to reuse. A system like this required a dual distribution system so that potable and not potable water can be transported seperatley. This water can be used for residential and professional

De Facto Reuse

De facto reuse is when water is directed from a natural source, into the towns use, then the wastewater is returned. This is a common method amongst dry area.

  1. Novotny, Vladimir, et al. Water Centric Sustainable Communities: Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the next Urban Environment. Wiley, 2010.
  2. Another example of footnotes.
  3. 3.0 3.1 This is an example of a named reference. You can use these named references to repeat citation content throughout the document.
  4. This is a third example of a plain footnote.
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