Teenage pregnancy has been one of the biggest problems of our society for the past few years. Many female teenagers becoming pregnant under the age of 20 has becoming more and more common lately and this is not a good thing at all. This is usually due to the kind of environment the teenager is into and a lot more different factors. A lot of things change to a teenager because of teenage pregnancy both socially and mentally.

There are basically a lot of causes as to why teenage pregnancy occurs. Most of them are connected to the teens’ environment, where they live, their personal lifestyle, and how they were raised are deciding factors of early pregnancy.

Peer pressure is a common reason and also a factor to why teenage pregnancy occurs. Almost all teenagers has a fear of being rejected in society and because of that most of them will try to fit in, so that they won’t be rejected by society. The thing is, they’ll have to do things that will make them look “cool” in the view of society and sadly one of these “cool” things involve having sex. These teenagers who does so mostly do not know of the consequences that will happen thus becoming pregnant. These teenagers are also pressured on how their peers see them. So, they focus on their appearance and sometimes it doesn’t go well for some of them.

As stated earlier, the environment of a teenager is a factor of teenage pregnancy. Thus, the absence of their parents is also a cause of early pregnancy. Teens, mostly girls (but boys are included as well) who have absent parents because of varying reasons are more or less likely to get pregnant or get someone pregnant. That is because they will lack the information they needed to know about how the human body and sex works. These adolescent teens won’t have a decent adult they could talk to about these sensitive topics, thus getting their information mostly on the internet, movies, and even from their friends who might not yet mature enough to properly handle these things. Long story short, getting information from the wrong sources will harm you (not just in teenage pregnancy but also with other aspects of our life).

There are also cases when a girl is raped. If she isn’t killed then now she’s probably pregnant, bearing the child of the one who raped her. This is also the same with cases of sexual abuse where an adult male possibly impregnates a teenager.

Lastly, there is also the glamorization of pregnancy from different kinds of media. A lot of films depict pregnancy as something to be greatly desired. Not that it is a bad thing, but some of the younger audiences has somewhat have a different take of what they have watched resulting in reckless sexual activity.

Teenage pregnancy is a very serious issue that might harm a young person’s life. It doesn’t just affect the social and mental aspects but also with their physical body, both of the mother and of the child. These early pregnancies might result in medical complications both for the mother and the baby.

An under aged pregnant woman who is not emotionally prepared is very likely to get emotional depression and anxiety because of this unwanted pregnancy. They might feel wanting to attempt suicide or have thoughts of getting an abortion because they feel scared and insecure of bearing a child. The mother might also feel fear that she might not have what it takes to be a mother and have fears of what will happen after she bears the child. If she does bear the child then she might neglect the baby as the feeling of not being free might overpower the mother and and this is bad for the child.

Girls who get pregnant in a young age will have to stop school to take care of their kid, especially if she was in college then she will really have to stop studying in university for a while.

Smoking and taking illegal drugs is also a problem of our current society, but imagine if a pregnant woman was the one doing it. The results may be disastrous for both the mother and the baby. This will endanger the development of the baby inside the mother’s womb.

Right now the rate of teenage pregnancies are not decreasing but is slowly increasing everyday. This already result in the overpopulation of many countries especially the 3rd world countries which also can not possibly take because of their current state in their economy. That is why we need to educate everyone especially the young ones of the things they need to know. This may be a rather easy task to talk about but this should not be underestimated because there are thousands of lives ruined because of unwanted pregnancy at such a young age. We must learn to help and support the people who are being sexually abused. Let’s also help rehabilitate the people who are addicted to illegal drugs because this is what also causes the harassment and the unwanted pregnancy.

Knowledge is a powerful weapon to share to people who have not been granted the opportunity to wield it.

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