The Butterfly Effect[edit source]

Bullying has been the most common, yet most dangerous case we have to deal with in the world today. To give it an analogy, I'll have to say it's like the common cold; infectious, but can be lethal. At first, it would just be annoying, like little name-calling and teasing, but once it gets worse, the name-calling or teasing could be hitting a little too close to home. Lots of young teens have already committed suicide due to the effect that bullying has done to their confidence, self-esteem, and, mental and emotional stability. There are two types of people in the world: the bullies, and the ones being bullied. At some point, someone would be able to bully someone in a way. They say that if someone says or does something offensive unintentionally, it is considered rude. If someone says or does something offensive and meant to do so, it is considered mean. Now, if that someone does that offensive action repeatedly, that's already bullying. My country is filled with people who are bullies, even to their friends. Shallow teasing, inside jokes, pathetic name-calling, light shoves and tugs are made through circles of friends every day. But the receiver of these actions doesn't let it get to them because they would shoot back at them with something more insulting. Because that's what friends are for, right? It has been an unspoken natural rule in this country that we are to never go over the line or hit below the belt in unique affections like these.

In other places, bullying consists of lots of other stuff aside from shallow, inside jokes or light shoves. That’s what friends do. The real bullies are those who pick a fight all the time, benefit from those who are weaker than them like forcing them to give their allowance (money) or food to them, they're the ones who abuses their superiority over others and would do it regularly, physically and mentally hurting the people around them. And it doesn't end there; we are also living in the same age where cyber bullying exists. It’s just like bullying, but online. Things like bashing -- where one comments, posts or tweets their hate, insults, negativity to an individual or group of people. Cyber bullying can also leave an effect bigger than regular bullying. Imagine you in town, minding your own business, but then other kids from your school see you and took a photo of you and posted it on social media with an offensive caption just for the sake of jokes. Other people outside of your school can see it, too since it’s not as hard to get access to internet. People would misinterpret the post, and then you would receive lots of hate, bash, and even negative messages from other people you don't know. All because some guy decided it would be funny to post a photo of you on social media. In school, you would be pushed around by other students, teasing you, the others gossiping about you. From cyber bullying, the situation turns into real bullying. Can you see the butterfly effect of a cruel act like this?

Situations like these will only continue to get worse if left unattended. If that annoying runny nose of yours won’t get treated, you could catch a fever or some other sickness worse than the common cold. Just like bullying, if we don't find a way to reprimand and lessen bullying in schools, or even in workplaces, the situation would go nowhere but worse. There have already been numbers of teens cutting off their own lives in thousands to prove my point and I don’t even need to tell you about numerous articles in news reports in every nation out there talking about people, mostly teens, who commit suicide because of being bullied. This will be my advocacy to anyone out there who wants to make a change; a change for a better world. What has bullying been to you? A light slap on your shoulder for a corny pun you made a few seconds ago, or that sixth grader who would keep kicking you around the playground only until you gave him all of your money? Bullying might come in different ways, and it would result into different outcomes. Sometimes, it is the choice of the bully victim if she/he wants her/his voice to be heard. It is to them to stand up and defend for themselves, and it wouldn't matter how they would do so as long as they know it’s the right thing. Reporting the bully's actions to the teachers, or asking help from your parents are the actions you should take if you are any interested in stopping this worldwide issue. Talk to anyone who is willing to listen.

In this world, you are not alone. No man is an island. It is about time we stop this problem and advance to solving the next one. Bullying has been a global challenge for long enough. There are many times where we do not know how our actions affect other people around us in our lives. We can save lives with just a little motivation and encouragement. Every little action, every little word we give in favor to help lessen bullying cases in the world, is what can bring the butterfly effect to a favorable outcome. You have the power in making the world a better place, changing the world for the better, for the greater good. Just like the natural law that we all know about; do not unto others what you do not want others to do unto you. Let us live in a world where we have out consideration for others. Maybe… just maybe, in the distant future, there would be no more kids out there suffering from depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Maybe we could live in a world where no one is afraid to be who they really are, to show people their real selves and have real friends, and we can achieve this step-by-step, by starting at stopping that big, bad kid in the playground. This is the butterfly effect we need.

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