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Name Tim Bassler
Interests 3D printing, OSH
Groups 242-2018 People
Courses ENGR242
Registered 2018
Impact 70
Contributions Composite Materials Resin Mixing & Pouring Container

My name is Tim Bassler. I am a 23 year old Senior BS Computer Science major, Business Administration minor at Principia College in Elsah, IL. I Have a special love for database and related work, but enjoy and am proficient at most aspects of computer science, accounting, and management. I also have a hobbyist interest many aspects of engineering, including 3D printing (what a surprise).

Open Source Movement[edit | edit source]

The Open Source Movement, as I understand it, is an effort to encourage the use of products (software and hardware) for which the designs, source code, etc. are all made public knowledge for anyone to use and modify freely. From a business perspective, as a computer scientist I am somewhat hesitant to buy fully into the Open Source Movement because it would mean that there would be rather limited opportunity for selling any software I create. From a consumer/user perspective, however, I am quite fond of the Open Source Movement. It means that I can find software and part designs that I need relatively easily and usually at no cost. The IMADE3D JellyBOX is an example of open source hardware. Many parts are 3D printable and the designs for them are made available by IMADE3D. Similarly, the laser-cutting patterns for the acrylic structure pieces are also made available. Finally, the electronics are based on an inexpensive Arduino microcontroler loaded with open source software and the remaining mechanical components are mostly inexpensive parts. This printer, like most RepRap printers, is therefore an excellent example of the Open Source Movement in action. I doubt that I will find myself in a career that would make significant use of open source software or hardware, but in my own recreational activities I could easily see myself making good use of existing open source solutions and perhaps even contributing to some, depending on expertise relative to the need.

Demo stuff[edit | edit source]

Picture Stuff Describe something else
Hotend.JPG Stuff in length More stuff
MashupShaker.jpg My mashup project: Celtic salt and pepper shakers. I used a Celtic knot library for the knots on the sides as well as a threads library for the screw top. File:CelticShaker.scad
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