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Name Ibrahim
Registered 2014
Impact 51
Contributions Boat

Books + Book reviews (link)[edit | edit source]

"Environmental Sustainability: Role of Green Technologies" P. Thangavel, G. Sridevi 2015 | ISBN-10: 8132220552 | 344 pages | [1]

"Permaculture in a Nutshell" Jonathon Porritt, Patrick Whitefield 2012 | 96 Pages | ISBN: 1856230031 | [2]

"Projects to Get You Off the Grid Rain Barrels, Chicken Coops, and Solar Panels" Instructables.com [3] 2013 | ISBN-10: 1620871645 | 96 pages | [4]

"Thriving in the Future - A Responsible Leader's Guide to Sustainability" Allen Morrison English | Feb 15, 2015 | ASIN: B00TOMW9FO | 175 Pages | [5]

"Ecological Land Co-operative (UK) - Annual Monitoring Report 2013-2014" Ecological Land Co-operative [6]

"Annual, Lunar, and Tidal Clocks - Patterns and Mechanisms of Nature s Enigmatic Rhythms" Hideharu Numata, Barbara Helm 2015 | ISBN-10: 443155260X | 374 pages | [7]

"Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Futures" Peter Blaze Corcoran, Brandon P. Hollingshead 2014 | ISBN-10: 9086862527 | 432 pages | [8]

"Sustainable Happiness - Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference" Sarah van Gelder 2015 | ISBN-10: 1626563292 | 168 pages | [9]

"Sustainable Agriculture Environment in the Humid Tropics" Philippe Debaeke Springer | 2009-12-15 | ISBN: 9048126657 | 919 pages [10]

"Energy Technology Perspectives 2010: Scenarios & Strategies to 2050" IEA | 2010 | ISBN: 9789264085978 | 710 pages | [11]

How To... (Online resources)[edit | edit source]

"How To Take It Apart" Your source for disassembly information. Turn screws. Void warranties. Open minds. [12]

"Instructables" Add your own instructions or learn from others to get nearly any job done. [13]

"LEDfantastic" Ultra Low-Power lighting Solutions [14]

Couch-potato Activation Links[edit | edit source]

"The Conservation Volunteers" (TCV) (UK) - Actively helping groups to build healthy and sustainable communities [15]

"Seeds For Change" (UK) - Support to grassroot groups - Check out their downloadable material [16]

"Centre for Alternative Technology" * CAT is an education and visitor centre demonstrating practical solutions for sustainability. We cover all aspects of green living: environmental building, eco-sanitation, woodland management, renewable energy, energy efficiency and organic growing. [17]

Land use and land ownership[edit | edit source]

"Low Impact" - Organisation + Network * Lowimpact.org is a non-profit organisation – a network of great people and organizations providing information, training, products & services to help you live more sustainably. You’ll gain skills, meet new people, save money and have fun too. [18]

"Ecological Land Cooperative" (UK) * Co-operative investing in land purchases for ecological land use [19]

"WWOOF - Work Exchange on Organic and Sustainable Properties" [20]

Peace Movement[edit | edit source]

"Peace Pledge Union" (UK) Pacifist - White Poppy Appeal [21]

Related online resources[edit | edit source]

Sustainability Made Simple http://www.treehugger.com/

Helping to build a sustainable, non-corporate system. http://www.lowimpact.org/

Permaculture is Revolution [22] http://upliftconnect.com/permaculture-is-revolution/

Permaculture and the 8 Forms of Capital [23] [24] http://www.resilience.org/stories/2014-05-30/permaculture-and-the-8-forms-of-capital http://www.appleseedpermaculture.com/8-forms-of-capital/

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