Fig 1: First 3-D printing project
FA user icon.svg Angle down icon.svg User data
Name Matthew Alessi
Interests 3D printing, OSH
Groups 777-2014 People
Registered 2014
Impact 489
Contributions Hydroponic halo ring

I am a fifth year electrical engineering student at Michigan Tech. I will be graduating in the spring and am currently extremely busy with school, however, I still find some time here and there to mess around with 3-D printing!

Current projects I am working on[edit | edit source]

Most Delta[edit | edit source]

In the process of fine calibration...just printed out this guy to the right. Still got some work to do!

Increasing the efficiency of InGaN photovoltaic cells[edit | edit source]

Simulating the absorption of InGaN PV cells over the spectral frequency of the suns wavelengths.

Home energy management system[edit | edit source]

Researching algorithms to identify individual loads from a smart meter (without the use of individual outlet monitoring).

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