A picture of myself
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Name Matt Wardynski
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2017

Currently, I am in my second semester of the ERE program here at Humboldt Sate University. I am interested in math and applied sciences, and am excited to be working towards a degree in Environmental Resources Engineering. I am also a dedicated clarinet player who has been playing in the local music community for the past eight years. I also enjoy playing soccer and tennis when I have the time.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

As a local of Humboldt County, I have always appreciated nature, and I feel that the ERE program at HSU agrees with my interest of applied science and environment. I like solving problems that will actually make a difference, and I enjoy working on challenging, rewarding projects. I am not sure what my interests are specifically within the field of environmental engineering yet, but I am sure I will find something suiting before long.

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • ERE 115 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • ERE 215 Introduction to Design

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

Below are some papers, spreadsheets, and AutoCAD designs that I have made in my time here at HSU. And in case you are interested in what I was up to in high school, I have also included a paper about the probability of finding words in license plates that I wrote for my high school IB Math class.

Mulch Makeover: ENGR 215 Group Project

CO2 Analysis: Spreadsheet

Areal View of Zane Middle School: AutoCAD


Team Work Gantt Chart

Math IA: IB Math Paper

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