My shaved head in Guatemala
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Name Juliene Sinclair
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2010

Name: Juliene Sinclair

loves traveling, gardening, languages, chocolate, good beer, good friends, good food, end of semesters and finishing homework.

I naturally seek challenges in both hemispheres of my brain. I was born in America and moved to a small town called Lueneburg in Germany when I was 14. Lueneburg is the oldest medieval town in Germany, established in 952 ad. Most people think it is because of my father's job, but they are always surprised when I say it is my mother's job that moved us there. I am part of a small and female dominated family. My mom is a law professor and similar to how students do exchange semesters, she was offered the position as an exchange professor. Well, one semester turned into indefinite time and she has been there for 10 years. I was shoved into a German high school my first semester, with the thought of my mother's that I would learn German quickly. Well, it was a near horrible experience. I didn't speak a lick of German and I actually was bullied for my first time for being a dumb American, not speaking German (or any other language for that matter), and knowing no geography.

The first semester I skipped most days because I could not speak nor understand German so therefore could not take notes, take tests, listen, do homework, nor participate. The next semester my mother found the International School of Hamburg, which was an hour and a half commute from home, one way. I wanted to move back to the States so badly, but after four years I learned to love it, learned the language, and learned geography. I know Europe like the back of my hand and have friends in all countries.

I did my first year of university in Madrid, Spain and partied way too hard to learn the language. It was my first year! I was mainly interested in boys and clubs. After my first year there I moved to So Cal to be with my dying grandfather and part of my family. I did community college for a year and half there and spent the last month of my grandfather's life with him. Thank the Universe!

I was at a college fair in Long Beach Community College when I stumbled upon the Humboldt table. My life direction changed completely...which was great because I had no idea what to do with my life. I saw a photo of Humboldt and saw 'Environmental Resources Engineering' and I knew that that was what I wanted to do and where I wanted to do.

I have been in Humboldt going on my third year and I love it. I love the redwoods, they are sacred. I love the beaches we have, they are also sacred. I love this place and the friends I have found here. I am an artist at heart and am minoring in art, while majoring in engineering. My brain feels balanced and at home when I paint and a little more timid when doing my engineering homework. I will get through it and be happy I did.

This summer I backpacked by myself for three months around Guatemala and finally solidified my Spanish. I also shaved my head, which I recommend every female do at least once in their life. It is the ultimate freedom for a woman...well, the most freedom as a woman I have experienced so far :)

Oh yes, I love Lonny's chops.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • renewable energy
  • solid waste management
  • water quality and distribution

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • water sampling and testing
  • river restoration
  • appropriate technology

This summer (2010) I backpacked Guatemala and volunteered in a bike shop called Maya Pedal[1]. It is an NGO that accepts bike donations and converts them into bike powered machines. It was awesome!

I was also excited to find out that cell phones really do emit radiation, as opposed to a couple of years ago when it was just a probable myth.

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

My ENGR 215 team, WEGO, did a Natural Paint display.

Gantt chart we came up with in the beginning of our design process:

memo written for Water Quality and Environmental Health Engineering

Excel Skills for Probability and Statistics:

In 215 we learned AutoCAD.

Also, my partner and I are planning a business for the future. The business will be called Backpack Integrals and our first product is the Greentraveler. The Original GreenTraveler is a reusable to-go container that will hopefully replace disposables! It has four different compartments and is perfect for active lifestyle enthusiasts. It can fit into the beverage net on the side of your bag or clip-on with the carabiner! You don't have to worry about it leaking and spilling, as it is liquid tight! This product should be on the market in a few years...keep your eyes open!

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