On the Salle river in Halle, Germany
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Name Jeremy
Groups Engr305 past students
Registered 2010
Impact 335
Contributions Northwest Coastal Greenhouse (Arcata)
Simple US composting toilets

Name: Jeremy Battles

I'm a 2013 alumni of Environmental Science and German double-major at HSU, currently working for the U.S. Census Bureau as a Cartographic Technician.

Favorite Appropedia Page(s)[edit | edit source]

  • Northwest Coastal Greenhouse (Arcata) - My project from last year, which is growing plants nicely over the winter, although compost/vermiculture has yet to be integrated.
  • Kiva's straw bale greenhouse - Another greenhouse project which I found inspiring; I would still like to try something of this caliber once I have the project budget and permanent location to do so.
  • Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction - A really informative look at vegetable oil extraction on the small-scale.
  • Surrey Hills house - An awesome example of green building and knowledge sharing, including little details like the fact that "possums like polyester insulation."

Experience and Resources[edit | edit source]

I have the following experience, skills or resources to share with Engr370:

  • Experience with Excel calculations and data crunching.
  • General experience with GIS.
  • Enthusiasm and critical thinking are my primary resources.

Interests in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

  • In general, I'm interested in any practice that will help to put on the brakes of human resource consumption and waste while maintaining or improving individual quality of life.
  • Community agriculture applied in a realistic, region-specific manner.
  • Green building and architecture, especially with regard to the wider community.

Experience in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

  • A lot of self-applied small projects like window insulating, recycling, and basic home-energy auditing.
  • I've recently been involved with a group called the Farmer-Veteran Coalition, in which I was able to tour a series of organic farms and be exposed to some community gardening practices. I've only begun to look into this field, but from my limited experience, it's clearly a good direction to take with regard to food resources and community.
  • I was able to spend a summer in Germany the year before last ('09-10), and have been able to see some of the sustainable practices that are in place in that country. With regard to solar energy and net-0-energy building, I feel that Germany is far ahead of the US and their experience can serve as a valuable example.
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