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I learned a lot in our Empowerment Technology subject including the correct use of Microsoft Excel. I also learned the various formulas contained therein. I learned how to merge gmail with Microsoft Word. I also learned the difference between blogging and microblogging. I learned the steps on how to do a Mail Merge. Especially making an Effective Presentation that includes minimize, clarity, simplicity, visuals, consistency and contrast. I learned how to make a power point. Learned how to separate data in microsoft excel. The Basic Principles of Graphics and Lay out are balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, rhythm, proportion and variety. I learned that there are two types of balance, symmetrical and asymmetrical. Infographics have three elements. The visual, content and knowledge. Image file formats that used to be a puzzle to me now I know the meaning of each of their acronyms. I also know where they are used. I also learned from our teacher how to use social media correctly and safely. It is not easy to make things that are personal to us public. Because of this subject, I also learned about different operating systems. Even the ancient web page that is the Semantic Web Page. I learned a lot from this subject. My knowledge in this subject has increased even more. I also learned how to make this blog. ICT has helped me a lot. My knowledge about technologies expanded even more. What I know in this subject I will incorporate in my studies.

many new things in the subject “Empowerment Technology”, because of this subject my knowledge about technology or the internet was added. I learned more about what ICT is, on the different types of technology that can be used for communication. Also, the whole definition of the internet, I learned that the meaning of “www” is world wide web and the who invented it was Tim-Berners Lee. Web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. I learned that website and webpage is like a book. The webpage is only part of the website, it is like a page inside the book. While the website is the title or the front cover of a book.

I also learned how to be safe online. Internet is a truly powerful tool. It can be used to promote your business, gain new friends and stay in touch with the old ones. It is also source of entertainment through games, online communities and everything in between. It is true that internet is very fun, but we should be aware on what to post. That is why we should not reveal all our personal informations in the internet.

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