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Registered 2018

Bio[edit | edit source]

Born and raised in Santo André -SP, studied in a college in the same region, where I practiced a lot of sports and worked on solidary actions in the project Novo Horizonte. Now a days, I'm an undergraduated student in UNESP (Sao Paulo State University), taking Materials Engineering, classified as the 4th student in the class. Upon entenring at university, I did a research in oil and gas pipelines. I'm currently working with Professor Luis Rogerio de Oliveira Hein in a project of 3D printing open source, financed by FAPESP aiming the technology sharing and the knowledge generation.

Researches[edit | edit source]

Oil and Gas Pipelines

At this project I've worked on routs of heat treatments for the steel API N80Q looking for improve the ductile-fragile curve of it.

3D Printer

At this project, I'm working on the effects of 3-D printing dynamics setup on the mechanical behavior of ABS parts in a 3D printer that I've built with Regis Santos Dias, my research partner.


Extra Projects[edit | edit source]


This is a Brazilian group financed by the government that works for improve the education at the Universities trough projects that brings tools like excel and 3D modeling, social projects and researches to develop new devices. Between this projects, I've worked on:


I've worked as director of Marketing, improving the digital media, creating a Marketing manual, taking care of sells and relationship with the consumers, working with a team of 6.

GP of ball bearing cars

This is a race of cars built by ball bearing and wood, open to community, that wants to provide to the competidors some knowledge about physics, and mechanic projects. I've worked as a part of the team, on marketing and as responsable of infrastructure.


Structure PET

This is a project that I've made part of the team that built a crane in size reducted (almost 3 meters) to be used in the classes of materials resistance and others that could be interest.


In Company

In this project, we've worked into the companies, trying to help them in real cases. I've worked in projects of Gerdau, GVS and Nestlé cases that were based in data analysis, materials engeneering and production line respectively

Quality & Innovation

I've worked as a director guiding all the responsables for the projects and members of the group (22 people) to get things done and besides that, helping them to have a better organization and grow as professionals.

Academic Monitoring

I've worked as a monitor of two subjects, Physics and Materials Properties.

Portuguese Class

I've gave portuguese classes for French students that came to Brazil to an exchange program.


I've made part of the team that organized this event of my university, where the students of Materials Engeneering including me, presents their researches to all the teachers and colleges.


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