So how did you dehydrate the 80%alc to make 100% ethanol ? I had heard that the last 5% was particularly difficult. Ericblazek 06:18, 17 May 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I used a molecular sive called Zeolite 3A. Zeolite is like small pebbles that absorb water molecules, the alcohol molecule however is too big to be absorbed. So I soaked the 80% ethanol liquid for 24 hours in zeolite, then collected the the remaining 100% alcohol. Zeolite can absorb 22% of its weight of water. So 1 lb of zeolite can absorb .22 lb of water.


After reading this article I pondered on a thought. When you juiced the beets this test went astray. If you would have converted the beet juice into crystallized sugar it would have been more accurate. Without the basic ingredients being equal it's not possible to evaluate an honest outcome. Also, the amount of yeast used in each part of this test varied. This too lead to a misleading outcome. By using raw sugar cane against raw sugar beets or granulated cane sugar against granulated beet sugar should reflect more equal results. I can understand the use of processed cane sugar, yet the availability of cane sugar locally isn't possible. Then to compare what is locally available to what is not locally available doesn't make sense to me either. GW

"beet killa"??? The use of ghetto slang makes this whole page suspect. If the author admires/emulates those who deliberately refuse to even speak correctly, then how can anyone trust him to use correct scientific procedures and measuring techniques. Better for him to do an article on 50 Cent or something more appropriate to his nature. I personally stopped reading once I saw "beet killa".

I am very interested in the possibility of using organic sugar beets as a source for ethanol for spirit distillation. Please get in touch to learn a little more about your experiment. xraynano

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