Heya Ajay,

  Here are the notes from our meeting two days ago. 

PLANNING FOR ED. ENCOUNTER Session[edit source]

Potential examples:

  • Impact of (gold?) mining on Native American health and culture
  • "" for fishing (salmon/water issues)
  • generally environmental impacts that affect disenfrancised groups (minority/poor)
  • basketweaving (pesticides impacts on women placing reeds in their mouths.)

panelists will provide definitions, then give a short presentation relating to their example (10 minutes total)

      -potential definitions: Environmental Justice; Environmental Racism; Social Justice; “Conventional” Environmentalism

Pat checked with Dr. B, who said that Penellys Goodshield is the ideal person to be a panelist for the Environmental Justice portion. (& Sierra highly recommended her for a person working on the disconnect.)

We need to have a pre-event planning session with the panelists/presenters, to ensure everyone is on the same page and that there is proper flow between presentations

Discussion section[edit source]

(Structured with Questions and free form discussion/dialogue)

Potential questions: (Should the questions be couched in terms of the examples?) (Throughout offer opportunities to ask their own questions)

1. (time limit, 2-5 mins for each def if use next question. (state time limit to audience)) Do you have alternate or different perspectives on the definitions discussed earlier? e.g.: Does anyone have any thoughts on how the definition of the term social justice could be improved upon?

2. Why are issues related to the environment actually social problems? What are other examples that illustrate the connection from your own lives or communities? (Each person could come up with their own

3. How can issues of social justice and environmental responsibility be incorporated into an academic context?

5. Maybe instead of talking about the disconnect we could talk about why rural environmental justice is not more prominent in our communities? 4. Why the environmental movement doesn't build more with environmental justice efforts? Or do they?

(next q structured with thoughts in mind of why things will be different or how) How do you think these seemingly disparate movements will be engaging in collaborative efforts 10 years from now? 6. Why or How will efforts towards change be more holistic and collaborative 10 years from now? (in regards to these complex issues)

Do you think that the answers to the previous questions will enable more fundamental change to happen?

What could be changed? How?

7. (Last q?): How can these issues be pro-actively addressed on a local scale?

Other people we could have as panelists/presenters[edit source]

 **Pennelys Goodshield (Zach will call) 
  **Eric Johnson (Zach will contact) 
  **Joe Giovanetti, of the Native American Studies Dept (Zach will call)
        - knowledgeable about local issues, such as effects of gold mining on native am.'s health
        - organize of CA Indian Coneference
  ** Amos Tripp - from community  (wife Maria is chair of Yurok tribe)
  **Merv George, Jr. from the Klamath Restoration Project (Hoopa) (Ajay emailled 2/16)
           klamathfish (aT) hotmail

(Wiyot 733-5055; )

  **Sheryl (leader of the Wiyot tribe)  (Zach will contact)
            - works at HSU's Education Opportunity Program
  **Tracy Kettleman, from Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment (Zach will contact)
            office: 498-4481
            cell: 955-8579
  **Leif Hillman, from Karuk tribe re: fishing issues (Ajay will contact)
  **CA Indian Basketweavers Association (Ajay will contact) 
            - Jen Calt   non-native woman, works with CIBA

a lot of basketweavers that could speak on this issue. bad things going on with CIBA.

            - Susan Burdict (530) 629-2836  (No longer with Association, chair of Medicinal Plant Cmte) 2/20
 ** Dept of Pesticide Regs or EPA (ask about what chemicals used, ask for info about testing, what's put out.  This is not a native issue, it's a people issue.  like global warming (10-20 yrs before reverse impacts.)
  ** Seventh Generation Fund
            - Chris or Tia Peters
  ** ITEPP - Sue Burcell  (Really good person to talk to about injustice)
  **Christina Accomando, chair of the Ethnic Studies dept. (Ajay emailled, and again on 2/20)
  **Jen Rice from NRSCAA (www.nrscaa.org/humpal) (Ajay emailled/called 2/20)
  **Jesse Urban from Women's Studies.  (Ajay emailled on 2/14+20)
         - "Her work brilliantly explores links between these things and more.    
She has a weekend workshop "Population and the Environment" this weekend        
that you might find really interesting - making connections between enviro      
justice, reproductive justice and immigrant rights, with a presentation by      
Border Action Network on Friday night.  She's at jlu5"  - Christina Accomando

couching discussion using local examples

We need to recruit other people to help us coordinate this event!![edit source]

                        **Sierra, a grad student whose thesis centers around the connection between Social Justice and Environmentalism
                        **someone from the Ethnic Studies Department, MCC, BSU, APASA, YES

TASKS[edit source]

Zach's tasks: Email interested persons from Leadership Conference re: helping out, attending

     ~ Zach

Here's the q's from the

Ed Encounter Proposal form[edit source]

  • 3. Which track does your proposal fit into?
"Communities and their Environment"
  • 4. Title of session (REQUIRED): "Environmental Issues As A Social Problem: Bridging the Disconnect"

Date: Friday March 4th Time: 9:00am Length: 90 minutes

  • 5. Description of Session (3-8 sentences) (REQUIRED):
  There is frequently a disconnect between activists in this country, separating those working on social justice issues, and those working on environmental issues. This workshop will begin by examining important terms (e.g., "social justice", "environmental justice", and "environmentalism") to establish a common frame of reference.  A roundtable discussion during the latter half of the session will aid in our understanding of how these seemingly disparate movements can collaborate to create lasting social change.

This event is being hosted by the HSU Clubs Coalition.

Workshop format[edit source]

Introduction [1-2 minutes] - explain intention behind event o being more thoughtful about our environmentalism/activism o activists uniting to create lasting social change o to engage people in critical thinking o to create a space for dialogue to occur - Introduce panelist

Explain format (session overview, terms) 15 minutes: Marlon 15 minutes: Megan 45 minutes: open dialogue

Establish ground rules: Make “I” statements Structure your speech so that it benefits the group Any others?

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