Greetings, dear reader....

Can't quiet make up my mind whether there is a book in this or whether to file it under "Bleedin' obvious"....Certainly, the immateriality of money is something most folks have a hard time grasping, unless of course you remember the Weimar republic or come from Zimbabwe. Those that can grasp the immateriality of money can have a hard time understanding how the debt/equity mix can have real impacts on society. Again, the issue is abstruse for most - save those who have lived with the fear and uncertainty of negative equity on a property...

More later, if I get any feedback....

There is something to said about the fact that Debt/Eq ratios are an abstraction of the and control the division of the Environmental Dividend and extracted Mineral Stores. Equally, there is more to be said that Information is an abstraction of and potential control over the Population. Hmm.....

not in any category. should it be here? Joeturner 08:15, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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