
  • Regular irrigation (drip lines) -->
  • Hydroponics -->
  • Aeroponics -->
  • Air-dynaponics -->


File:Hydroponics NFT setup.JPG
A regular hydroponics setup using NFT
The X-ponics systems

Regular hydroponics is often operated using NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). This uses a shallow (film) of nutrients; about 1-2mm deep. Flat-bottom rain gutters can be used as growing channels.

Making the nutrient solution

One of the main difficulties with X-ponics systems is how to obtain the nutrient solution. In developing contexts, these may be difficult to come by, and are often also too expensive for most people in the developed world. However, the nutrient solution can also be made DIY using either liquid fertiliser of a wormery ("worm tea") or from comfrey concentrate/tea[1].



See also

External links

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