Asi.png This page was part of a project for MY3701 -- an MTU class on semiconductors.

Do NOT edit this page -- please only leave comments using the discussion tab.

Project Description

Steps Taken


See also


Project Notes

Possible PV Cells

  • Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS
  • Crystalline Silicon


Each project page should contain the following information (All calculations should be transparent and all facts should be cited by appropriate sources and properly wiki referenced[1]):

   Create your team project page and add the template Template:MY3701
   A brief description of your product with a link to the manufacturer(s), discuss the type of semiconductor material in the product and how it is made.
   Determine the scale of the market for this product (e.g. how many were sold last year, what is the expected growth in the market)
   Determine current recycling practices for this product (is it recycled at all - what components, and how?)
   Quantify the amount of semiconductor in the entire market for this product (e.g. semiconductor in each unit x # of units).
   List and describe methods of collecting the lost semiconductor materials.
   Determine the viability of recycling the semiconductor material post consumer if yes do Choice A if no do Choice B
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