Trip to Sacramento

About Me

My name is Noe A. Martinez.

My hometown is Los Angeles California. I lived in Los Angeles for about 10 years which had a significant affect on me because I witnessed how air quality affects the people who live there. Living near a wind farm located couple of miles away from Palm Springs, has inspired me to look into wind power. I am currently enrolled in Humboldt State and the degree I am studying is Environmental Resources Engineering. My experience is Engr 115 and Engr 215. In Engr 215 (intro to design), I was part of a team (Stark Ind.) which was in charge of the creating a Flock House Hyper Visible Power Meter for the Flock House.

Interests in Engineering

  1. Wind Power (wind turbines)
  2. Solar panels
  3. Air quality

Experience in Engineering

  • Intro to Engineering (ENGR 115)


  • Final Document for the Hyper Visible Power Meter(done with the assistance of Stark Team). Final Document
  • Example of Memo(done with assistance of Jonathan Roldan). Memo
  • Example of a spread sheet using Microsoft Excel. Alternative solution spread sheet
  • Example of project planning (done with the assistance of Stark Team). Gantt Chart
  • Example of CAD drawing. CAD drawing
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