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Cassie selfie.JPG

Hello! My name is Cassandra Gietek and I am an Mechanical Engineering student at Michigan Technological University. I will be graduating in December 201 with my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Alternative Energy Technology. I have had three really awesome internships in the energy industry. In 2016 I interned as a Wind Technician at a wind site in Carson County, Texas. I was able to spend every day climbing, troubleshooting, and repairing wind turbines! The following summer (2017) learning about natural gas customer solutions and distribution. Lastly, in 2018 I spent working in power generation. I provided pump support to power plants (including natural gas, nuclear, and solar), also, I provided support to wind turbine gearboxes and main shafts. I spent time identifying and predicting failures.

  • [[category:777-2018 People]]

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